Captain Oblivious

I'm with Rabin. I just can't watch anything with rape in it, or with kids getting hurt , kidnapped, or killed. I will never see Antichrist.

I heard about a girl whose life was saved by rock n' roll once she started dancing to that fine, fine music.

God, I didn't like Summer of Sam. Just a bunch of dumb-ass goombahs yelling at each other for 2 hours. The part where the dog talked to Berkowitz freaked me out, though.

No, you've got kind of a Ben Vereen quality.

Yeah, but it's not like Jordan and Bird did real shots in their commercial.

What about the Lebron-Dwight Howard commercial?
Another of the many commercials that relied on references to old commercials. I thought the bit at the end with Larry Legend was pretty funny though.

What about Tool on Hooker With a Penis? They made pretty good use of FUUUUUCK you buddy!

Jorge, I think that says it all.

Does anybody think practical jokes are funny besides the person doing them?

I'm not saying he's weird because he's gay, but all these weird gay guys seem to have the same personality. It's like they all get their idea of gayness from Buddy Cole.

I don't want to sound homophobic, but I'm so tired of the stereotypical "gay" act. Alright, we get it, you're gay! We don't care!

I think we can now say "Thank God for South Carolina."

I want to know
what the hell is going on!
I can't try to figure it out because I'm always wrong, I'm just along for the ride.

As a teacher (who does not belong to the union unlike everyone else I work with) I personally don't feel like there are just piles of bad teachers cluttering up the system. There are a couple, don't get me wrong. I think part of the problem is that teachers are asked to do so much extra stuff on top of regular

John Hancock owned slaves. THAT'S NOT RIGHT!

Is that even a real curse word?

Come on, any show with a Truffle Shuffle reference should get at least a B.

I had a strip poker game for Commodore 64 that was pretty great when I was 11.

Chubby Rain?

The CGI looked straight out of a Sci-Fi, sorry SyFy, Original Movie.