Captain Oblivious

This list needs more Bon Jovi and Def Leppard.

I've of course heard of Jason Mraz, and even heard a couple of his songs, but his presence just shows how kind of sad the pop charts are

Don't feel bad. I'm 35 and I have no interest in any of these songs. If you're over 15, there's no reason to listen to Souljah Boy or T-Pain or most of these people. I mean, come on, Jason Mraz, really?

I saw Everclear play at 324 Performance Hall(?) in Nashville right after Sparkle and Fade came out, and it was a pretty great show. The music was kind of made for a sweaty little club. Some band named Hagfish opened up for them.

Eaters of the Dead! I knew it wasn't the 13th Warrior, but I could only remember the movie.

Congo suffers the worst from Chrichton's tendency to set up all this tension and then resolve it immediately. 200 pages of "How are we going to get out of this awful jungle?" "Oh look, a balloon!"
And Timeline had the worst argument for changing things in the past through time travel. The essential argument was that it

I prefer the stop motion work of porn director Jim Spankmeier.

What is it about the princesses?
There is something in the DNA of girls that makes them respond to them. My 3 year old daughter has never seen the first Disney princess movie, and yet she wanted to be a princess for Halloween, wanted princess bedsheets, and responds to every princess toy she sees.

Swetwater IPA. A nice Atlanta beer.

Eternal Sunshine took the MPDG and showed how fucking crazy she can be. I thought it was kind of a devestating movie.

How about the opening montage of Watchmen.

Que onda Guero?

I hate to plug another site, but there's a good dissection of vapires vs. werewolves on overthinkingit.com

I feel like I'm in that Twilight Zone where the guy wakes up and everyone else is different!
Which one was that?
They're all like that.

I re-read all the Spawns I had last year (issues 1 to 75). Don't ask me why. I could see what Mcfarlane was going for. The art was undeniably cool, although way too busy, and I think he had some good ideas for the story of Spawn, but he just didn't have the skill to pull it off.

I thought it was a "fuck."

Next week's GtG: Bachman Turner Overdrive

Jrock, you're crazy. I thought Burn After Reading was hilarious. When Clooney revealed the chair with the dildo in it, I just about lost it.

Swingtown, Yeah!

Alton is about the only host I can stand to watch, the rest annoy the shit out of me. I can't stand the way Giada goes into Italian accent when she says the name of an ingredient.