Captain Oblivious

Was this the first time people were shown actually puking in a network sitcom?

Kevin looks like Roy G. Biv from They Might be Giants' Here Comes Science DVD.

I used to love listening to Metallica's "Whiplash" before intramural football games. Back in the day when I could smoke cigarettes before and after the games.

The realtionship between Gooding and his wife was the most irritating kind of relationship, too. Who wants to sit with two people in a restaurant who are fucking pawing all over each other and feeding each other food? Ugh.

I am hereby taking donations
for a DVR. Damn you, Fox for making me choose between The Office and Fringe.

I thought that was Biz Markie.

King Bastard, did you literally shit your pants, or did you really shit your pants?

bublsort, you clearly don't have kids. My 2 1/2 year olds LOVE the 123's and the ABC's. If you don't like it don't listen, but don't try to tell TMBG what kind of music they can make.

Kelly McGillis
was one of those women who, to me, was really average looking, kind of housewife-ish, who seemed to be talked about as if she were beautiful. Kind of like Madonna.

I never really understood why they had to go fight the Migs. I guess it really didn't matter. Really.

I have to admit, my wife would love it. But then, as the Beastie Boys say, she's crafty.

The whole school kids with those fucked up masks on scene freaked me OUT when I was a kid.

I did like the book. Not as much as Still Life with Woodpecker, but you can't help getting wrapped up in Robbin's writing style. He shore does use some purty words. So did you ever nail Suzy?

The Beatles
I like them, but I was never that INTO them. I just don't think I appreciated who THE BEATLES were at the time.

Switters, I just finished reading of your adventures in the jungles and deserts.

Hike up your pants!

The Chinese have a lot of hells.

The problem with the Sin City was Robert Rodriguez. Like everything else he does, it's all right there on the surface. He just seems to get in a hurry, and it ends up empty. It's telling when there is no doubt which part of the movie Tarantino directed. He captured more mood and dread in that 2-minute stretch than

I just don't get it
Watching that Behemoth video, I don't see how anyone over 13 could think that was cool, or take it seriously. It's fucking silly. You could drop Evanescensce or Seether or Nickelback into that video and not miss a beat. Oh, but since it's not really popular, then it must be good.

Just make sure you're master of your domain.