Captain Oblivious

On the plus side
Lil Jimmy Norton is going to be a "correspondent" on the show.

I have Danny and the Dinosaur and read it to my kids. It's OK, but god DAMN is it too long. As a parent, I think there should be a rule that no children's book should be longer than 30 pages. I need a bottle of Gatorade after reading some of the Dr. Seuss books.

I went back and read his Spider-Man stuff and all the Spawn issues he did up until he stopped doing the art. The Spider-Man issued were pretty atrocious, just lame excuses for Wolverine or Ghost Rider to appear. Spawn was actually not too bad, and got better as it went along. I think there were some really good ideas

I loved Marvels, but it was just doo distracting that Tony Stark basically was Timothy Dalton.

The story he illustrated for Sandman:Endless Nights was pretty great too. A combination of collage, some printmaking, black and white, and painting.

#1 Rule for a wedding
(Not a firstie) If you spend more than 3ooo dollars on your wedding, it's a waste of money. Nobody wants to be there anyway, so save your money and put a down payment on a new house.

He's right about one thing, though, despite all his other glib bullshit. Poverty is a huge problem today, and nobody addresses it. Well maybe Bono, but who wants to listen to that asshole?

If you're drivin' don't drink
And if you're drinkin' don't drive.

What's the deal
with all the rape?

I remember being angry and confused and irritated after watching it in high school, but god damn it will stay with you. I'm still not sure how I feel about it 17 years later, but I still think about it.

Oh New York Seltzer
remember that night I drank a whole six-pack of you after walking home drunk from a party? You were my only friend.