
Also, the jury consisted of characters from previous episodes, like Fishy Joe.

Yup. I saw this episode as a horny twelve-year-old, and the image of Elaine walking down the street with her shirt open is seared into my memory.

Country Drive is weaker. I think Moving is one of the best episodes of the season.

I have to back Elaine as the worst of the Seinfeld four. Kramer didn't purposefully hurt people, and Jerry wasn't a bad guy either. I mean, he went out of his way to try to cheer up the bubble boy, tried to help Babu, let his friends mooch off him, etc. George was disturbed: he was in diapers till eight, had horrible

Holy shit, a firstie, and a terrible one at that.

A pinky toe?
Was that Kramer's girlfriend as the executive?

Joan asking Louie how many dicks he thought she'd sucked to get where she was, followed by Louie answering forty, had me laughing hysterically. Joan's reaction was perfect.

There was a couple of other instances like that during the episode. It's just something you got to get used to.

I'm still watching, though I'd also been behind a week until I caught up yesterday. The show really isn't improving at a fast enough pace for me. At this point, I wouldn't be too disappointed if the series didn't get a second season, but I'm still kinda hoping for one.

Yeah, Elaine's hot. But even if she wasn't, that's a damn sexy laugh she has.

I'm sure I'm not surprising anyone by saying that lots of people like to harp on Seinfeld's frequent repetition of certain words. Hearing that complaint so often gets old, but it's justified in some cases. Pigman wasn't a bad usage, but things get worse later in the series run.

You take that many clean shots to the head, you're getting knocked out. That early on in the fight, it's unlikely Lights would drop his hands so much.

I never really considered Morales might be throwing the fight, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. He also did about as much as he possibly could to be disqualified, but I'm not sure how'd that fit it with throwing the fight. Morales taking a dive would certainly make things more interesting.

He's certainly doesn't care for those sparring partners. That's like the second or third one he's knocked out.

I didn't realize she was playing a character from England, so I guess the accent makes more sense now. I'm pretty sure they haven't mentioned it, though.


Yeah, her American accent isn't great, and it can make it a little difficult to understand what she's saying sometimes. I can understand English accents just fine, and I speak American, but her combination of the two can give me problems.

What a stupid quote.
Thanks, Fred, for telling us what pop means.

I actually saw those screencaps for the first time about a month ago. They destroyed my perception of reality.

I like boxing, too, and boxing films. I probably should have mentioned that.