
I liked it, more than I thought I would after seeing this review prior to it airing. I second the liking his interactions with his daughters. Plus, I tend to like tough guy lead characters who aren't afraid of whupping some guy's ass.

I believe it is, "The queen is dead."

Agreed on "Employee of the Month", although I'll admit to wanting Melfi to have Tony exact her revenge - something that would have made her character irredeemable.

Lack of Jack
As soon as Jack had Chloe shoot him, I knew I wasn't going to be satisfied with the ending. So, instead of following Jack, we were going to have to spend the last thirty minutes of 24 following other characters? Really, 24? That just doesn't make any sense. The series is about Jack, he's the only reason

Thirded. Thanks Noel and all the AV Clubbers.

"You're going to be the first failure."
"But I don't wanna be a failure!"

Maybe he can stop in Phuket and get a few tattoos.

I just wanted to point out to those favorably comparing the mystical powers of the island to the Force in Star Wars - and, in doing so, saying we don't really want an explanation for the island - that the comparison y'all are making is not very apt. The Star Wars films were about the rise and fall of republic, and the

Raiders will swarm on any motherfucker in a Jets uniform.

Not true, Tristiac. Burying them with the pouch that contained the two stones made it obvious.

I'm glad 100+ episodes of Lost left me as cynical as they did. Otherwise, I would have jumped for joy at Kate being shot tonight, only to be crushed by the end of the episode. At this point, the only two people I can't see dying are Jack and Kate, just because the writers hate me.

"Then we could have slightly more plausible action and motivations—as a bonus, every episode will have significantly more quotes from guest-stars' prior work and the Simpsons."

i and 1, I like that idea, although I'm too sleepy right now to think through the implications.

I'm betting on a tearful Juliet-Sawyer reunion in the Altverse. And I think it's "all you need is like" in Hurley and Libby's case.

I wouldn't mind kissing that man between the cheeks, so to speak.

It seems to me like the alternate-timeline is better for everyone except Jin, Sun, Desmond, and Penny. All the other characters are no worse off than they were when they departed Sidney. If it comes down to the candidates having to make an informed decision about whether or not to follow Smocke, it's damn-near a moral