
Another reason to doubt that Brody knew about the bomb: if he did, then standing so close to a window overlooking his car would be pretty stupid.

I agree that the writers want us to think Quinn may be the mole, but I think he's just a Galvez-type red herring. If the mole is ever revealed, I suspect it will be someone we've never met before (and that such a reveal may not happen until the series finale).

I agree that the writers want us to think Quinn may be the mole, but I think he's just a Galvez-type red herring. If the mole is ever revealed, I suspect it will be someone we've never met before (and that such a reveal may not happen until the series finale).

So I was partially right with the theory I posted at the of the Episode 10 thread (http://www.avclub.com/artic…, which I'll quote the end of here:

So I was partially right with the theory I posted at the of the Episode 10 thread (http://www.avclub.com/artic…, which I'll quote the end of here:

Except that we didn't actually see the accident. So Deb could have crashed her car while fully alert, and then dosed herself.

Except that we didn't actually see the accident. So Deb could have crashed her car while fully alert, and then dosed herself.

Just rewatched Episodes 9 and 10. After doing so, I noticed something important: the phone that Brody used in Episode 10 was specifically given to him by Carrie in Episode 9 ("New phone, same number.")  Also, the CIA appears to have that phone tapped later in Episode 9 (when Brody's talking with Roya).

Just rewatched Episodes 9 and 10. After doing so, I noticed something important: the phone that Brody used in Episode 10 was specifically given to him by Carrie in Episode 9 ("New phone, same number.")  Also, the CIA appears to have that phone tapped later in Episode 9 (when Brody's talking with Roya).

Very disappointed with how easily Pope got taken out. I felt that the only plausible way Jax could make it happen AND get away with it is if Pope's lieutenant Marks was in on it. Because as of now there's no way Marks would let Jax live (much less Tig) after Pope's death under such suspicious circumstances. Especially

Very disappointed with how easily Pope got taken out. I felt that the only plausible way Jax could make it happen AND get away with it is if Pope's lieutenant Marks was in on it. Because as of now there's no way Marks would let Jax live (much less Tig) after Pope's death under such suspicious circumstances. Especially

""I suppose Tommy’s newfound poverty is one possible engine to transform him into the villainous Merlyn, as per his comics alter ego. I hope not,
if only because it would be a little weird for Arrow to suggest quite
so direct a link between not having money and turning evil, but I’m
getting way

""I suppose Tommy’s newfound poverty is one possible engine to transform him into the villainous Merlyn, as per his comics alter ego. I hope not,
if only because it would be a little weird for Arrow to suggest quite
so direct a link between not having money and turning evil, but I’m
getting way

I liked the cleverness of Michael making "the grass is always greener" comment right before they switched over to the Green-hued reality.

Regarding the football timing "plot hole"— the first Mon. night of the NFL season features a doubleheader in which the second game starts at ~7:30 PM Pacific time, so there is one NFL game a year when someone in CA could plausibly be watching the 3rd quarter live around 9 PM.

Not sure if you're confused but others seem to be, so I'll just point out that when Gansa said:

"At that point, his best bet was absolute indignance"

I think the most interesting showrunner-related aspect of "The Weekend" is that the cabin interrogation scene is fundamentally implausible. Because once Brody realizes that Carrie is suspicious of him (due to the favorite tea slip-up— which btw I buy as a mistake Carrie might subconsciously make because she wanted to

Actually, there was a little more to it than that— Richard Hatch HAD to deliberately LOSE that challenge, because if he won and took Rudy, he would have lost the final vote in a landslide, but if he didn't take Rudy as promised then Rudy wouldn't have voted for him (Hatch won the final vote 4-3).

I'm pretty sure that the Prince knew nothing about Lynne's murder or the true purpose of the necklace. Because if the Prince knew about the Abu Nasir diamond transfer, surely it would have been easier to give the necklace directly to the Chauffeur, instead of hire him to kill somebody. And if the Prince wanted Lynne