
I think the vampire should have turned out to be the Coach's wife, Nurse Feratu.

I guess I just don't understand WHY she thought Cary's situation was so dire.

Geneva specifically says "don't smile at me on the stand" so since Bishop didn't testify I think she was definitely referring to the detective.

Can someone please explain Kalinda's plan to me? Did she really go to Bishop's house in order to blackmail him into giving up Dante? I don't understand how Kalinda could possibly think that would end well. That was just monumentally stupid.

The last act was great on a visceral level, but I have to say the rest of the finale was incredibly disappointing.

"It's not an Eggo"

I really enjoy the conversational reviews. And I disagree about their being better suited to "less important" shows. I feel like the more depth a show has, the MORE appropriate it is for dual reviewers, since a single one won't be able to catch as many intricacies.

I feel like a lot of people are overlooking one of the key elements of the scene.

"and giving her a couple of quarters for a phone call and a Coke"

Hmm, I wonder if Kendal might actually be guilty of shooting Art?

Abigail's body hasn't been found yet, right?

I don't think any ambiguity was intended— I think it's pretty clear that Holmes had nothing to do with solving the mugger case.

Generally, I prefer "Elementary" to "Sherlock," but I absolutely loved "The Sign of Three"— I thought it was the best single episode of TV I've seen since "Ozymandias."

Since Sherlock asked, I think "No-riarty" would have been a better nickname than "Faux-riarty"— though I guess he's now "No More-iarty"


"It’s been a while since a piece of casting has immediately spoiled the guilty parties, but it happened twice here: I also recognized the man playing Jim Monroe (although I don’t know where from), and presumed he had at least some larger role to play in the story."

You misquoted the line— a "Scrappy Doo" punchline is too easy and cheap a joke for this show.

First, let me say that I love all of the walkthroughs, including this one.

"At least in the middle of a trip, Don knows which way up is, even if it keeps changing."

And now a moment of silence for the character I will most miss (by far) …