
Hell to the Yes, KZ.

Gene Wilder always makes me think of Gilda Radner…
…and how she left our world a little too early.

The preferred nomenclature is "Caucasian Americans" or so I'm told.

I disagree - this was a horrible way to start the week. Knowing about Jeff Dunham and his merchandise leaves me sad and disillusioned.

G_d damn it - just found Chang.

Chang doesn't have Twitter yet?
I am sad and horrified. The possibilities are endless, if only the man would sign up.

The new one with sober tween Lindsay Lohan.

There's nothing wrong with pandering to the grammar school crowd
I will take my children to see this and I'm sure they will enjoy it. Not sure if I'll enjoy it, but it's all about the kids.

@ Dr. Venkman - other reasons to watch MTV (c. 1990)

Did anyone call for the London Philharmonic? Possibly while high? Cypress Hill - I'm looking in your direction!

I'm stalking her as we speak. She says "hello. " And, "call 911."

More love for Furnace Room Lullaby. I heard it (and Neko Case) for the first time in 2006, before I had heard Fox Confessor. I actually felt perturbed that I hadn't been listening to her all these years - everyone knew about this amazing woman except for me :(

I thought the 21st century loves Victor Borges. I guess I was misinformed.

GARY!! You told me you were combing your hair!


+10 to Asa and the vintage Mister X cover. I loves me some good comics, yessiree.

I concur and applaud teh dude. Well done, my friend - well done.

I read the title of this article too fast
I thought it said "Ask Helen Mirren about love and sex!" I think that would've been cool. Creepy, but cool.


The Cutting Edge. DB Sweeney's character is an ex-hockey player - the offsetting testosterone level is a nice balance to the chickiness.