
I'll reserve further comments till 2010
(My apologies if this has been posted already - the mutiple comments pages are messing with my power-search.)

I'll reserve further comments till 2010
(My apologies if this has been posted already - the mutiple comments pages are messing with my power-search.)

ABC wants me to watch pretty people act like jackasses?
Reality TV plus four years of high school in a large metropolitan area have helped me meet my quota, thank you. But, Amelie is right - I will tune in to see the pot-kettle-black purity test that Vanessa Minnillo will be using.

American Apparel DIY costumes
No one wants to see my naked fat ass, so I'm guessing no one wants to see my faux naked fat ass either.

A Note on Barbara Feldon
She's a timeless hottie for the ages. Damn fine. (Say "damn" with two syllables to punctuate her hotness.)

My son's a homosexual, and I love him.

weakly related to the topic at hand
"HA! Nice PJ's, Simpson! Who bought those for you? Your MOMMY?!"

How can I purchase an AV Club pint glass?
I don't see a link for an AV Club store on the home page, and the glass isn't listed in The Onion's storefront. Kyle Ryan - please help me, you're my only hope. Actually, anyone can help.

When do we start discussing Lindsay's boobs?
Just let me know and I'll check back in at the agreed-upon time. Because Lindsay's boobs are wonderful.

The comments thread is moving off-topic
Gillian Anderson is smoking hot.

On the off-chance that you are sincere with your question:

Rob Schneider's brother John
It's likely not the case, but I'm kinda hoping that Rob's brother is John Schneider of Dukes of Hazzard and Smallville fame. The potential autobiographical material is too good.

I'll chime in as well on Ghostland's performance on ACL. I tuned in for Bloc Party, glad I stuck around for Ghostland - I'll be giving them my ticket money the next time they're in town.

A quadruple post? Lily, sweetie, you have to slow down. This is why no one will sit with you at lunch.

Bang Terri Garr.
Marry Madeline Kahn.
Kill Cloris Leachman.

Baby, I Got Your Money
Amelie - you don't strike me as an ODB fan. Nice to see that Brooklyn still gives out props.

Drop shadows on that font
Amelie - sorry to nitpick, but that drop shadow font in the fake ads is completely distracting. Next time you need to replicate an advertisement, you might as well punch it up - Helvetica, anti-aliased - something happy.

Bumbles - can you blame Doc? Seriously?

Blatant omissions?
Heywoodyablowme, MO
Seymorebutts, WI
Lickmybalzac, ID

Artwork to scare the kids
I wanted to make some sort of comment about the ubiquitous nature of LSD and its effect on 60's album cover art, but there's the Mars Volta at #6; apparently later generations have not learned from the mistakes of the past.