
Han shot first. A true MC would know this.

In my eyes this has been a pretty entertaining season of The Simpsons - I say the average grade of C is undeserved.

In my eyes this has been a pretty entertaining season of The Simpsons - I say the average grade of C is undeserved.

D+ for The Wizard of Oz? You guys suck.  (I kid, I kid.)

D+ for The Wizard of Oz? You guys suck.  (I kid, I kid.)

Worn and faded black t-shirt from the first Lollapalooza.  Ice-T and Siouxsie sharing the same bill  was unprecedented back then.  Of course Siouxsie had to bow out because of illness when I was there (grrr), but fun was had by all nonetheless.

Thank you, Will - that was a very nice article for a wonderful performer who was taken too early from us.  Glad to see she's got a fan base still (myself included) after all these years.

I am thankful for the absence of Chevy Chase, humor value aside.

Does "Christmas Wrapping" still qualify as alternative nowadays?

Give the Governor a "harumph!"

Ditto on Saturday Night Fever.  The story goes that my mother couldn't find a babysitter that day, so she said "to hell with it" and dragged her six-year-old along with her to the movies.  I remember it being an un-engaging movie, for a first grader anyway - I was nonplussed by all the swear words and disco. I have

Will the updated comments section feed me when I'm hungry?
If not, all other enhancements are moot.

Was that picture provided by Mr. Reiner's publicist?
Or anyone affiliated with Mr. Reiner? Because that's just awful, and editorial choices need to be scrutinized during the next AV Club management meeting.

I can't give an honest opinion on the music or the video…
…because I'm too distracted by the haircuts. I'm guessing someone had a coupon for SuperCuts.

"…speak up in the comments section."
I wants me some more The Brave and the Bold coverage, please. This show is a good contrast to all the dark DCU toons of the past - I'm glad it's succeeding.

Koski at 0:07 mark
When I saw that fleeting glimpse of Genevieve in front of her laptop, all I could think was that she was looking at this week's specials at the local Liquor Emporium.

Thanks, Noel
I do love Blues Clues, so thank you for selecting this show. Nostalgia with my children aside, I came to appreciate Blue's Clues as a pretty good piece of work.

"Guess I need to grow me a beard."
Don't give in to Hyden's peer pressure, Koski!