I don't get Sundance but TWC puts them free ondemand for some reason
I don't get Sundance but TWC puts them free ondemand for some reason
Every single review title for this season has been a quote from a song from the band (specifically the album "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea"). You should listen to that album, it is God.
Again with the Neutral Milk Hotel!!
Todd said he would have gave this episode an A! How dare you insult him while he's gone! Good review tho
Well I thought his Rectify reviews were pretty great
Still catching up on the show but with the article title… Neutral Milk Hotel much?
I upvoted the un-upvoted your comment (It's Fargo).
While I agree with you in that from Zack's perspective, the low grade makes sense, I don't think this episode was relentlessly cynical. The main stress (thankfully) appeared to be on Carol and Tyreese and that storyline proved that there is hope and humanity in the world.
For all of Handlen's complaints (the relentless nihilism being the best IMO) I find this show much much much more entertaining than recent Dexter (minus some season 7 highlights).
Isn't she 28
Headfirst? Why!?
Thanks. Now I don't have to read the article.
I liked it too. Lots of problems but that's not unusual for this show. I found this episode to be vastly more interesting than much of this season — which is already more interesting than the seasons before.
I felt like you at first… but it grows on you after a few episodes. But yea I imagined (and wanted) the tone of the show to be a little bit different.
Yea I meant favorite *new* character (like from this season). And I agree she's really hard to figure out. And I don't even find the acting that bad (assuming the coughing is fake) I actually find her more tolerable than Carl which I'm sure everyone disagrees with me with. What I find fascinating — and I hope the…
Is it just me or is her character strangely ridiculously fascinating? Like I think she's my favorite new cast member (not saying much since we have dead peoples and alcoholic (who's from The Wire — his only redeeming quality)).
You have an interesting take on this one. I found this Eminem's best effort since The Eminem Show — although that isn't saying much since I found Encore to be pretty bad, Relapse to be unbearable, and Recovery (unfortunately) to be pretty awful. I liked the idea of Recovery but found the mix of bad to decent pop…
So if I've only seen the pilot can I skip to this episode and understand everything? I saw ATLA in it's entirety.
I'm sorry I cannot take your comment seriously when you keep misspelling his name like that.