
But with this way they can be on metacritic! yay

Bob's Burgers was good too!

Oh my god that second comment pisses me off so much.

How the fuck is Arcade Fire the Newsroom?

Well on the bright side this means Breaking Bad might win the Emmy for it's final season :).

The AV Club's music section has been confusing me everytime I check it. Robin Thicke B+? Earl C+? Neko Case C???

Michelle MacLaren needs to direct my life.

What in fucks name is happening in that picture.

I'm pretty sure that's the same woman who quit Orange is the New Black after 3 episodes for the most arbitrary reasons.

I actually thought this was the best one yet…meaning… I agree with the rating.

I liked the other site's review better.

I really liked "Eminem Hospitalized, Fat"

I liked this article better than the other one.

Everything about that scene was just beautiful. Poussey with the handicapped girl was hilarious.

So this was recorded pre-split? That's disappointing to hear I streamed this album a few time on iTunes and as someone who usually isn't a fan of this type of music I found it damn beautiful.

I'm pretty sure that's his sister

Goddamnit this show is so good at making me watch the premiere and then to leave me in utter disappointment by the season's end.

I liked both ideas: yours and what the movie did. The movie gave me a genuine surprise and a thrilling third act. And Turbo didn't want the same thing as Ralph, he wanted to take over every game — that makes him evil. Vanellope was suppose to princess (Disney thing) but Turbo glitched her because he's an evil bastard

I liked both ideas: yours and what the movie did. The movie gave me a genuine surprise and a thrilling third act. And Turbo didn't want the same thing as Ralph, he wanted to take over every game — that makes him evil. Vanellope was suppose to princess (Disney thing) but Turbo glitched her because he's an evil bastard

Three Two One Funny!