Yep as The Strokes revived garage rock Interpol revived post-punk. Both (esp The Strokes) spawned a plethora of imitators and both ended up sounding like (or worse?) than them as time went on.
Yep as The Strokes revived garage rock Interpol revived post-punk. Both (esp The Strokes) spawned a plethora of imitators and both ended up sounding like (or worse?) than them as time went on.
Yep Rectify has that power. One of the many wonders about Rectify (since more people should really be praising this thing) is how it demands for its characters to be viewed seriously like people and how every word of dialogue carries full weight; now in any other show I watch it all feels so mechanical (some less than…
Thank you Erik for some of the most insightful reviews I've ever read on this site (even if the grades were really tough but I guess this payoff was so worth it!) and of course for the Neutral Milk Hotel.
When the first scene gave me goosebumps I knew this episode was gonna be a showstopper. Best tv episode of the year in my opinion. And there's been a lottt of good tv this year.
I'm super late but I love that almost everyone here feels the same way. Rectify is such unique and powerful television I really don't think the enthusiasm can truly wear off. Like there's some badass intense suspenseful stuff on television these days but I still remember the cavalcade of emotions I felt from the…
Haven't seen the latest two episodes yet (i know!!) but i'm stoked to see that grade!
EDIT: I am a stupid idiot
Strong points all around that are difficult to refute since we haven't finished the season yet and — even in murder-mystery mode — Rectify moves at a snails pace. Also I could be wrong but I don't believe he "never" believed he raped Hanna, he just was confused/didn't remember… Hence the confusion when Trey told him…
Well like "Bitchfork" each show has a different reviewer. Erik is grading the show as what he sees is its potential. To me this (and many episodes of the show) are definite "A's" but he articulated what he felt was less effective with this one in his review so I see no problem with it. And really it's more about the…
"Having just been released from death row because of lying/cover-ups at trial - and having been abused in prison due to lying/cover-ups - I would have to say, yes, it would occur to me."
I'm late and I'll probably edit this comment later to say something half as insightful as what you all are adding to another great review but holy shit… not the episode I expected but still brilliant nonetheless. If the last episode had me shaking with tension, this one left me speechless with emotions. I've never…
Absolutely agree madmeme about the drugs part. Couldn't have said it better myself. And I actually think as Erik said it's a very appropriate palette and tone for the show.
Thanks for the intelligent response Zork!
You all bring up interesting points that prove this show needs more people commenting and discussing. I agree in that at this point, the show still has my full attention and trust, as it has hardly gone down the roads that the other major villain-driven dramas have gone down.
Yep it's like everytime I watch an episode I know I'm going to be emotionally walloped by the end of it!
Haha it's cool I know how it is we all have our passions (I'm personally obsessed with music). And this is a perfectly unique and special show to be enthralled with especially since your insights are awesome!
At this point, I agree. I would have disagreed a season ago but the show seems to be hinting esp. with this episode that it does intend to answer questions. While I found the question intriguing in the first season the show made it very clear that that wasn't the story it was trying to tell (I thought the first season…
Which one was it? I remember they played a Bon Iver song and I believe a Sharon Van Etten one too? Also I'm diggin' the Neutral Milk Hotel quotes for all of Erik's review titles
Glad you're back Erik and great review as always (don't understand why so much of the AV club community doesn't like this guy… his reviews are so insightful!)
"(Also: Tawney’s pregnant! Also: Who cares?)" what?? I like the reviewer that everyone hates better… Sublime episode tho as usual