
If I start watching this season from the beginning without any experience with prior seasons, would I be missing anything?

ATLA is better than all those shows. The second season was one of the most incredible seasons of television in general I've ever seen.

I find his style (or lack theorof) to be quite boring but I would be lying to say that I don't have some of those catchy single-ready songs from Born Sinner in my collection. And he produced HiiiPoWeR so yea.

Currently listening to it for the first time… and my god that voice. Hopefully after a few more listens I'll get use to it but it's really really goddamn annoying.

I am very very late but I'd just to add that Ty Lee's expressions in this episode were golden. Especially her worried look when Azula confronted Mai was adorable.

You hipster douchebag…

As much as I love "Bound 2" I really really hope Good Kid, m.A.A.d City wins next year. IMO it's the better album too.

Kendrick Lamar? He swears but his album Good Kid, m.A.A.d City is pretty much a masterpiece (it's one of the few concept albums out there) — he apparently doesn't drink drugs and has a very interesting and introspective take on alcoholism. The Art of Peer Pressure, Sing About Me Dying of Thirst, Now or Never (no

Thank you Mr. Sweeny you are awesome. I have one question however: is this end of Moriarty or will we see more of her? I am more fascinated in the show than ever and would love to see an arc involving her next season :)

Well next week's didn't all go to hell… but it wasn't as good/was a bit messier than the episodes before.

Ellstin Limehouse. Fuck yes.

Agree sort of about the mexican family daryl saves as it also felt incredibly random and fake (meaning it wasn't necessarily a great scene). However both of the situations are certainly plausible. Families can certainly survive years in a zombie apocalypse without being badasses. We don't know the circumstances of any

The pilot was also truly great.

@avclub-6e8fb18f4f5788ce09ff72f8fdd81b4f:disqus I highly recommend you do.

Depends. I thought a portion of the pilot was "meh" due to the rape plot. However I loved the overall feel of the show. If you didn't like the overall feel of the show (such as the last ten minutes or the conflict between the two leads or the family stuff) then yea you won't like the rest.

Have you even seen a damn episode?

I actually really liked this episode. it was much much much much better than the last. However upon second viewing I probably will see all the flaws.

Elementary's actually surprisingly good. That episode was awful though.

I don't think the internet streaming would help them but not delaying onDemand will really help. I did not see the second episode of The Americans because the first one doesn't come onDemand until the second one airs. Not all cable viewers are completely caught up on everything. Another think they could do is release

I missed this episode. Should I skip it? Is there anything in it that's important?