Zackie Jab

That wig looks like hot garbage and is distracting enough that there is no way I'm watching this shit.

Mushrooms improved that thing about a million percent.

Yeah, I saw him last weekend and I'm still reliving parts of it. It was just fantastic. I normally hate arena shows, but for 3/4 of it I didn't even watch the band, just all the other shit going on. It was as close as I'll ever get to a Pink Floyd show with the added bonus of having today's technology. Just so

Looking forward to the 1997 music articles next week. I don't remember shit about what was popular then. Was that the dawn of nu metal and indie rock and that kind of stuff? The first real big Radiohead and Godspeed records right (even though I could've cared less about that stuff too)? I think I was getting high

I want to take this moment to mention that even if you just have some passing interest in Pink Floyd, you gotta go see Waters on this tour. Top 5 show for me all time maybe. Simply amazing. The one complaint I have is that he didn't have a gong to hit during "Saucerful" (which wasn't played anyway).

Yeah, I've actually met her and the rest of CCD when I worked a show with them a little bit before Genuine blew up. Good folks, one and all.

I get that it sucks, but both the performers and audience know this is a possibility going in, right? Does the audience get refunds? I assume no. I'm also assuming the bands still get paid.

Make sure you're wearing rubber booties and then short him out with water (an actual early Spider-Man plot)

I saw Rhiannon Giddens walking down the street a few weeks back. Man, what an amazingly pretty person.

Yeah, I kind of didn't like the Crowes when they came out, I was more into "loud" music at the time. I need to revisit, because I like R&B, southern rock, getting high, country music, The Faces and Stones.

Man, Emmylou makes that record. I think it's a little hit or miss, but the peaks are so fantastic. Definitely a keeper.

Yeah, especially when there are fade ins/outs involved. Sequencing can definitely be an art form.

Here's the stuff I listened to this week that has been added to the "to buy" list (if not all ready owned)
LOLO-"In Loving Memory of When I Gave a Shit"
Fast Romantics-"Afterlife Blues"
Leopold and His Fiction-"Darling Destroyer"
Micah Schnabel-"I'm Dead, Serious"
North by North-"Last Days of Magic"
Trapper Schoepp-"Rangers

Zuma's a great album. I haven't heard the new Young yet, but based on the tracklist, I'm going to really dig it.

Yeah, I'd say I'm about 75% to 25% on listening to albums all the way through vs playlists or whatever. If I'm driving, then yeah, throw it on shuffle, but if I'm actively listening, I want to hear the whole thing. I'm a fan of the album format in general, although I have nothing against a great single (or

This is never airing anywhere.

I saw the blu ray transfer finally about six months ago. Scarlett is awful, but goddamn is that movie beautiful.

Former Lee Warmer! I Love America! It's a great record.

Great movie, but the goddamn shaky camera in the action sequences of QOS totally turned me off the Bond franchise.

I was going to check out the new Alice Cooper record anyway, but now I'm really intrigued. Sounds like a good one.