Zackie Jab

What about if I have no principles?

Which, if you replace "column" with "kid", makes a pretty good country and western song.

I liked Rabin's country music series even though it was pretty apparent he lost interest in it before he abandoned it.

Yeah, Steve and Nabin's writing got me here to stay.

So, only like three times?

Holy shit, webrings are not something I have thought of in a long time.

Dude, what kind of dog is it. We have a Lab/Plott Hound mix and that thing has a tongue like a fucking anteater.

I had an ostrich burger once. Totally overdone and dried out, I'd like to try making some at home. Or maybe using it in chili.

They're tiny and fast and fly in an irregular pattern. They also normally don't move until you're right on top of them, so you have to be super quick to even get a shot off.

The one work around I've found with the bones is to boil it whole and then flake off the meat. I usually then just use the meat in a stew or soup, preferably via slow cooker so that it doesn't dry out as much.

Michael Gira looks like he'd have a gamey flavor.

When I was a kid, we'd harvest a snapping turtle a year and make soup out of it. It has a fantastic taste to it and I miss doing it as it was always a big event to catch one and then prep it out. Anyone that gets the chance should try it someday.

They all look the same to me.

Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat would like to have a word.

I think that was Sublime.

I know it's just a fun discussion, but depending on who you talk to, you can pretty much pick out any two week stretch where people could argue it was the worst ever.

They felt their competition was The Bay City Rollers and they just wanted to make girl group songs but were too incompetent at the start to really do it right. They 100% wanted to be a Top 40 pop band.

I had a Jack Kervorkian and The Suicide Machines tape one time, might have been a three song demo or something handed to me from a friend or traded or something, because I never did see them live. They were a great band though.

Gito Gito were the best. Such nice women and just insanely fun and catchy songs. I wish they were still around.

Hank goes from being someone you laugh at, to someone you identify with. A lot like most of us who are 40+ and raising a family and just trying to cope with a world changing faster than we are, Hank is just doing the best he can and he truly does have a heart of gold. I model a lot of my parenting on Hank Hill.