Zackie Jab

I like that you have a radio station that plays The Fall.

I'm heading up to Mile of Music festival in a couple weekends, so I'm going through some stuff from bands I've never heard of to see if I should catch them. Anyone in the eastern part of Wisconsin should check this out, it's totally free and you do get to see some up and comers in super small venues (the biggest

I'm a casual fan I guess. I don't straight up hate any stuff that I've heard, but I don't really love too much of it either. I do think though, that if you put out 30-50 LP/EP/Singles, you're shit to hit ratio is going to, at best, be about even.

I've taken my oldest son to two McCartney shows, both at his request at ages 9 and 11 maybe, and have been blown away both times (even if the setlist was like 80% the same). I hate arena shows and I bitched and moaned about being 5 miles from the stage, but goddamn, when that first note of "Eight Days a Week" hit me,

If he peed on a 13 year old, he'd be headling Pitchfork in a couple years.

I'm not sure I appreciate the heads up from him to not buy his stuff because he's a disgusting human being or if I'm just disgusted.

Shit, just go to the comments section for the trailer on this site. No reason to pay someone to write an article about it. Having said that, it looks fun as hell and people on the internet are generally really pissy about everything for some god unknown reason.

I never knew I needed a Thor/Hulk buddy movie in my life, but now I realized I needed it all this time.

Shit, I don't know. It looks fun. You guys are too serious.

It's bad. Just watched it last weekend with my 12 year old kid, his experience seemed to be the same as yours at 12.

I just looked up that sound track and I have zero recollection of it, although I wasn't listening to that indie/electronic mash up movement of the late 90s. Was there a single off that thing that I might remember?

I haven't seen it in years, but he was pretty good in "Carlito's Way", no?

The movie recently popped up on Netflix. I forgot about the cartoon, I caught a few episodes when it first aired. I'll have to check into it.

My son and I just watched the original a couple days back. I hadn't seen it in 20 years and he had never seen it. I thought it still sucked. The 12 year old said "It was a good movie, but it looked really bad." He's right on one thing. It looked really bad.

I think of him as "harmless" because he was so inept that anybody that actually spent 15 seconds watching any of his briefings knew he was totally in over his head and that every single thing coming out of his mouth was, at best, not how it was meant to be explained to the public and, at worst, complete and utter

Shit, that's like every politician ever.

Yep, that's where I scrolled up too.

Probably lost it too.

I'll be honest, I kind of feel bad for Spicer. He seems like he was pretty unqualified for his job and that he likely hated it, but he was totally fucked. He had a unhinged buffoon for a boss and a press corps that could smell blood in the water, and then he handled it in the worst possible way on Day 1. All in

I can never decide if I should get my oil changed or get wings when I drive by one of those places.