
I was just thinking about this show the other day - I've never seen it, but I was/am a big West Wing (S1-3) fan.

I was just thinking about this show the other day - I've never seen it, but I was/am a big West Wing (S1-3) fan.

I think it's the same for CA schools - tickets purchased during a set time frame, permission slips for non-students to attend, etc.

I think it's the same for CA schools - tickets purchased during a set time frame, permission slips for non-students to attend, etc.

The only time I remember my parents having to sign my report card was in elementary school, when they had parent/teacher conferences in October or November.  The rest of the time, the report cards in ES were just given to the students and we brought them home.  I don't think parents had to sign anything.

The only time I remember my parents having to sign my report card was in elementary school, when they had parent/teacher conferences in October or November.  The rest of the time, the report cards in ES were just given to the students and we brought them home.  I don't think parents had to sign anything.

Is it realistic that a student has a 0.0?  High school GPAs are cumulative, aren't they?  So she's failed every single class in her entire 4 year HS career (I thought it was established that teachers inflated the grades of the Cheerios?).  And she was never held back a grade?

Is it realistic that a student has a 0.0?  High school GPAs are cumulative, aren't they?  So she's failed every single class in her entire 4 year HS career (I thought it was established that teachers inflated the grades of the Cheerios?).  And she was never held back a grade?

That moment when the arm reach out and choked Nolan actually nearly gave me a heart attack - wasn't expecting it.

The scene between Ivy and her mom was just heart-breaking.  I actually cried when she said "They didn’t pick me, Mom".
I know a lot of people thought Ivy was evil for giving Karen the engagement ring and telling her that she slept with Dev, but all's fair in love and war.  Too bad Dev couldn't keep his pants on.

But I presume he'll be back - he and the City College Dean will team up and try to destroy Greendale.  Or something.  I don't think they'd leave Ken Jeong off next season.

But I presume he'll be back - he and the City College Dean will team up and try to destroy Greendale.  Or something.  I don't think they'd leave Ken Jeong off next season.

I actually liked the video game episode the most.  I was laughing non-stop and everything about the game was just so realistic.  Annie and Shirley killing the blacksmith, the blacksmith's wife and setting the house on fire was hilarious, as was Jeff accidentally killing Annie, and Annie accidentally killing Britta.

I actually liked the video game episode the most.  I was laughing non-stop and everything about the game was just so realistic.  Annie and Shirley killing the blacksmith, the blacksmith's wife and setting the house on fire was hilarious, as was Jeff accidentally killing Annie, and Annie accidentally killing Britta.

Everyone keeps telling Tina that she'll get her turn, but guess what?  She WON'T.  Not that she shouldn't, because as we saw from her stint as Rachel Berry, she has a great singing voice (not high-pitched squeaky like Rachel's).  There will be another Rachel Berry coming up the pipeline and Tina will be overlooked

I haven't seen this episode yet - not sure if I want to, since I prefer Ivy over Karen, and this review/recap was much more entertaining than the show has ever been.  But I'll probably watch it just to see the musical numbers.

I think Rebecca poisoned herself so she could get out of the show.  What better way to extricate herself from the show than saying someone tried to poison her and therefore she feels threatened and never will return?  Otherwise, unless she gets a gig somewhere else quick, she'll be quitting and Rebecca Duvall could

I found it interesting that Claire was carrying a bag (and a purse) but maybe she brought food with her, considering her comment about how expensive food is.  Although she was eating popcorn…

As soon as they showed Dylan and how uncomfortable he seemed around Haley and her family, I knew he was working at Disneyland.  And not just working there, but as one of the characters (I was guessing more along the lines of the Little John role than Dapper Dan, but then Haley wouldn't have seen him).  Didn't seem

I wasn't the least bit surprised that Rachel won prom queen. The way she was moping around at the beginning of the episode, plus her anti-prom party, plus Kurt's comment about McKinley High's penchant for write-in votes… I thought it was fairly obvious that the writers were setting her up to be the surprise prom queen