
Ivy and Dev - yuck yuck yuck!  I was surprised that they didn't seem to know each other (although I think Ivy has connected the dots).

I assumed that guy from the chorus was the understudy for DiMaggio - the one that answered Rebecca when she asked where her DiMaggio was.  He's probably not quite ready to be DiMaggio (I doubt he actually stood in for the other guy in rehearsal) and with Rebecca being such a diva that she is, she'd complain about

Though Emily is the protagonist, I don't feel sympathies for her.  She's just so cold-blooded (having your father framed for being a terrorist and then killed in prison will do that to ya).  I don't feel any empathy of a single character on this show.

She has an audio recording (or at least, was streaming it) of Conrad confessing everything to Daniel.  What more could you need?  Of course, the recording was obtained illegally but it could be leaked to the press, which could launch an investigation, etc.

This is the first episode of Community that I didn't like.  Maybe it'll be different when I see it a second time, but I doubt it.  Even the 1st season episode with those bratty high school students had moments of hilarity.  This episode, not so much.

Yay, Suburgatory is back!  I like this show a lot, so even the reruns are funny, but it feels like it's been forever and a day since they introduced Eden.

As far as Karen knows, it wasn't Ellis who sent the text - it was an unnamed member of the cast.  Ellis sent the text from the girl's phone.  I thought it might be silly because won't Karen go back to that girl and ask why she sent the text? but I think that's expecting too much from Smash.

When Emily walked out of her house to go find the bloody sweatshirt and Daniel called her, I was like "oh, puleeze, he can see you right there!"  It's like they forget the two houses are within viewing distance from each other.

I watched the pilot on Hulu and I liked it.  But I don't think I'd like it to be more Melrose Place.  I guess I'll have to see after the rest of the episodes…

I don't like April.  She's too snarky (though I think I was okay with her in season 1).  Seeing her struggle to run the community meeting was a highlight.

Maybe it's because this show has been off for so long or something, but I'm just not feeling it.  I hate the character Emily Thorne with a passion. I know we're supposed to be sympathetic towards her (her father getting framed as a mass murderer/terrorist-sympathizer) and it's the Graysons that we're supposed to root

But they HAVE to!  There is no life outside of acting, singing or dancing!  You might as well not exist.

This is @kirble (because I couldn't reply to that comment) - being a mechanic doesn't follow the theme for Glee, so it's unacceptable for Finn to pursue that! :)

I was a bit undecided whether I wanted to watch (the 3 episodes on one night, followed by 1 episode on Sunday was odd) but I figured why not.  It's a British production, it's a period piece, and it's based on a historical event.  That's good enough for me!

My guess was that the bartender guy was rich and is just slumming it in the bar.  Maybe he owns the bar too.  And Ellis tried to tell Eileen but she wouldn't hear of any of it.

I know, right?  And she doesn't even know where Oregon is, even though she applied to it?!

Maybe she should have said "I'm going home!" instead of saying that she was going to find Pierce.  It would give her a reason to disappear.

I think the deal is that Leonard, Howard and Raj are friends with each other, and because Leonard and Sheldon are roommates, Sheldon glommed on to them.  Especially since Sheldon doesn't drive (and has been banned from public buses, I think), he relies on the other three to take him places.

Leo's legal troubles were resolved so quickly (not that it wasn't a stupid storyline to begin with) that it makes you go "what was the purpose of that?"  Aside from showing Julia to be too busy with Michael to answer Leo's call when he was in jail, and for bringing Tom's boyfriend into the fray.

The cellphone store employees were a bit over the top, but what did Nick expect?  He's the one in their store trying to get a post-paid phone!