
Just rewatched the scene - Tom commented that Sam was the straightest chorus boy he'd ever met, Sam said "you think I'm straight?" and Tom asked "you aren't?" and Sam said "I didn't say that".

I definitely thought Ivy made a comment to Tom in last week's episode that Sam was gay.  It was after Ivy had hallucinations and Tom & Sam were at her apartment trying to make her feel better.  Can't remember what she said but it was when Sam left to get something, Tom made a snide comment about Sam and Ivy said ____.

Honestly, I thought Claire was watching that movie with Nicholas Cage in it (the one where he's an angel, and one of the songs on the soundtrack is Sarah McLachlan's song).  I thought it was weird that she'd be watching a movie so early in the morning…

In the "Rumor Has It" number, there were some moments where it looked like Karen was closer to the camera (downstage) and thus was standing out from the ensemble.    Also, Katharine McPhee looked like she was some famous actor trying to do a dance number with dancers - the other 3 chorines were getting into the dance

Hope's reaction was amazing!

It's for the dramatic effect.  If the kids applied to (gasp) two equitable schools, they have a better chance of getting in to at least one and that would just be unacceptable on tv.

I thought the scene between Leslie, Ben and Bobby was pretty funny - Bobby was sooo clueless as to why they can't just let him win.  And Ann being pleased whenever Leslie tells her how pretty she is, is pretty cute.

The storyline with Penny and Leonard was okay - I thought their "first date" was pretty cute.  And I like how Kaley Cuoco laughs like she means it - not like she's supposed to laugh at jokes the guys make.

I like Old Lady Grantham's comment about the injured soldiers stealing the silverware!

It's funny because I used to find Bay annoying and Daphne okay and now, Bay is kind of getting less grating but Daphne has become a brat.

Yes, I was definitely annoyed at that scene.  Come on, people.  Worst scene ever.

I always assumed he was just a couple of years removed from high school in Season 1, although there's nothing that really would lead me to that conclusion.  I guess I just assumed that Annie, Troy and Abed went from high school directly to Greendale, whereas the rest of them were coming *back* to school after doing

I don't know if I've ever been a huge fan of Modern Family, though I do remember that I liked it in season one.  Lately, though, it's just another show to watch, but I think I like Suburgatory more.

I don't mind Dean and Collette together - I like their interactions, but them rolling around in the hay after leaving the dining room table?  A little abrupt, isn't it?  I can just imagine his mom wandering out to the barn - "Dean, I'm sorry about your dad —whaaaa?!"  I mean, his car is still parked outside, right?

What I didn't get was why Nolan essentially admitted that he had made the sex tape.  He should have just denied it.  After all, no one, except Nolan (and Amanda, though Nolan didn't know it at the time) had seen the tape.  So why, when confronted by Tyler, did Nolan just cave?  Seriously, is he that much of a wimp?

I watched half the finale (I watch something else in the 9pm slot so I've basically only seen half of each episode).  This is the first season where I've actually tuned in week after week.  I really liked some of the groups (Vocal Point was my favorite, followed by the Yellow Jackets from the Univ of Rochester, and

This show is starting to grow on me.  Jess in doses is not too bad, especially given that the show doesn't try to make her the adorkable, cute girl - they know she's off-the-walls and the other characters know this too.

They showed the hands and then panned up to Emily's face.  I seem to think the phone was still in a ziploc baggie? They could probably lift prints off the baggie, but not sure about that…

I don't remember if they've established how long Emily and Ashley have known each other, but I think they met 6 months ago?  So it's not like they were BFFs for a long time.

I think the engagement party was Labor Day.  The show timeline so far (aside from the back when David Clarke was on trial days) has been Memorial Day to Labor Day.  You know, the typical Hamptons season.