
Seriously, who did Ed Weeks tick off at TMP that even when he's part of a storyline, he only gets about 3 lines before getting replaced by another character? It's not that I don't like the midwives and it wouldn't have been in character for Jeremy to have been so rude at the ballet studio, but it was disappointing.

I think they changed the scoring from 2010 - back then, if you attempted a quad but missed it, it cost you dearly. Now, if you attempt the quad, get all the 4 rotations in but fall, you still get credit for the 4 revolutions and a lesser deduction for the fall. I don't like that change - yes, skaters should push the

You know, it's not always about racism - Wagner just had stronger finishes in the past couple of years.

I tried finding results (and schedules, for that matter) on the NBC site and it was a bust. I visit ESPN's winter olympics page each day to check results - it just works.

Never been a fan of Plushenko, but NBC's focus on the "will he, won't he compete?" was too much. This isn't a live broadcast, you don't need to take up time until the next skater is ready to compete.

The fact that the athletes are constantly tugging at their shirts and pulling up their pants in between jumps makes me even more nervous - I can't imagine a wardrobe malfunction is something you want to worry about while skiing backwards towards a jump.

Criminal Minds was one of them - well, I don't know if I "loved" the show, but I did enjoy it to an extent until I realized how disturbing every single episode was.

Me too - I wasn't a big fan of New Girl in the first place, but I don't get the hoopla over Nick and Jess getting together. Why must The Mindy Project be compared with it? Just because both casts are filled with a bunch of 30-somethings?

I think Jeremy was born in South Africa, but is from the UK. I think many of the storylines that have been given to Peter could have been done by Jeremy. It would have been a different vibe, for sure (dry Brit humour and all) but I think those storylines could still have worked.

I don't - Nick is a bit of a slacker, Danny is not.

I felt like it was (either intentionally or not) a commentary of Ariel Winter's real-life issues with her mom/custody. I didn't care for the storyline, but I'm not a die-hard fan of the show.

I was pleasantly surprised by this episode, because I saw some comments that it was not good. It's not my favorite episode, but it was good enough (maybe a B-).

I may have a soft spot for Hox but I was a little glad to see Birgitte not get her way. She's been able to find loopholes here and there to have her cake and eat it too, but not this time.

I mean Sam Seaborn, not Josh. Josh never wrote any speeches, did he?

The argument is that she's racist against her own race because she won't date them..

I too was wondering why Mindy and gang didn't ask Cliff the lawyer (albeit a divorce one) for advice, but this is a tv show after all and Cliff was busy in the sub-par B-plot with Morgan.

It's like Tom Haverford on Parks & Rec - has he dated an Indian or Indian-American woman? He, like Mindy, were born in the US and grew up in a middle-class "American" household (as far as we know).

I took Scarlett's hideous makeover as intentional - it's definitely not her style, and shows how she doesn't fit in with Edgehill's vision / style.

I don't know about this show anymore. The addition of Peter makes the office too much of a frat club. Couldn't they have beefed up Jeremy's character with some real character development of some sort?

I absolutely can't stand the Peter character. Isn't it Morgan's job to make slightly offensive comments that the rest of the characters react to? Do they need another person to do that?