Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

Was it predicted in the Toynbee Tiles?

*Looks at photo of The Great Game Show Host Convention of 1975; finds Teti standing between Jack Narz and Art James*

He became Coolidge's VP, then went back to banking in Chicago.

Best wishes with your forthcoming wildfire attack.

Are we sure he really cares?

*ultimately hangs himself in Sean's office*

Might as well get cracking on turning my dissertation into an actual book….

Why fear the Kinjapocalypse? It is the greatest adventure in life…..

Some punk named Ernie.

How about enemies?

Those of us who've tried reading Reddit aren't really sure you're missing much….

So, you're saying we should go into the numbers racket?

Reading the Kinja test site really isn't promising in these terms…..

The end of an era, basically…..

Well, given that whatever discussion are coming are Unreasonable…..

Thank you all so very much for the last nine or so years. It has been a pleasure, and I hope at some point to connect again with you all, wherever you may all end up.

Leonard Bernstein thanks you for your support!

Not really- it had a better opening weekend (albeit not adjusted for inflation) than any of the three live-action films in which he was the lead, and has already grossed more than the last one did for its entire run (and that is adjusted for inflation):

Get out the bleach!