Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

But closers of what?

If you've read the comments on the test example, one understands the way they're behaving more- they seem now to openly hold us in contempt……

But there are only so many times they can have the same band do this before it gets tedious!

In case I don't have the time to post it before the time comes:

Or hustle for it?

He contradicted himself, and contains multitudes!

Good question……

Prepared notes for a conference paper in two months- turned out I had more on the subject than I thought I did…..

None of whom managed to consult with one another…..

Put 18 separate children through college on this house, many of them not even his own!

Quite- the people who have the ability to budget properly with these sorts of homes also tend to be the sort who have better taste in building their mansions……

The Speedway?

Both in terms of aesthetics and the fact that it seems incomplete!

They clearly spent all their money building the place…..

Sadly, the office chairs were just trying to escape too…..

Fortunately, the Night King has all the time in the world…..

*Laden ravens try flying back, have great problems doing so*

The joys of having two complete incompetents as your showrunners, ladies and gentlemen!

Mind you, the Night King could simply note "no one here seems that competent- plan accordingly…..:"

"Tunneling was always an option…."