Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

Ladies and Gentlemen (and those who'd question that assessment)-

Still in contention for the Wild Card, as is half the American League!

True, but I remember it being the subject of jokes in ways all our other hijackings weren't……

Nope- Merrick looked more like Satan's younger brother, and was substantially older.

It also depends on how it's calculated- my home town (Sacramento) is the most-integrated major city in the United States, but I'm not sure that makes us the most diverse in terms of ethnic populations.

Scandals relating to the fate of some racehorses has made it almost impossible to obtain for human consumption in the United States.

The Carpenter is planning his revenge as we speak……

Same way horses get nasty when scared.

Quite- what appears on menus doesn't really have a relation to what people eat (especially when we remember that there's lots of stuff people eat in restaurants that they'd never eat at home), and it does seem telling that no statistical evidence on consumption is offered.

As well as the presentable ones.

And another Oscar working with the same guy you won your first one with?

Have I ever been wrong?

Bit soon, isn't it?

So, who's going to go home and sleep with his wife?

How long before the same thing happens with Queens?

Things didn't turn out as well for Arnold as he was hoping…..

For those of you with Disqus accounts- I have an old-school A.V. Club account, so I have no idea what happens as a result.

True, but then all you'd need to do is block the bridge and recall the ferry…..

Downvoting was by ripping it to pieces…..

One of them, and a guy who as a general manager and producer had been a figure on the scene for close to thirty years.