Col. Alphonse Dore Cliburn CBE

It beats the alternative, I suspect…..

Somehow, I think she understands.

….and a woman?

No- longtime New Yorker contributor (that joke David Letterman tried on Uma and Oprah at the Oscars is based on a piece of his) turned Broadway librettist, with three massive hits (Annie, The Producers, and Hairspray) among his credits.

The item about this that bewilders me:

No, but any likes for it will…..

If we wanted comments, we had to write them on the page!

All of those men's wives?

Not a fan of the Spice?

It didn't help that it suffered, in those terms, from one major problem- in order to engage in serious character study, they needed to have their characters be consistent from episode to episode, and too many of them (especially the ones they paid attention to) weren't.

But no Arby's.

Any chance William December Williams Jr. will get revenge?

Remus needs us to check on his birds! Remus is afraid Kinja will eat them!

And the guy who wrote the novel Straw Dogs is based on.

And, by the time I would have any memories, it was the follow-ups to it, which weren't as effective as the original run.

Ernie appears to be like David Merrick- the person who serves a marvelous job of representing the worse in his field, so that one can focus all the rage related to the field onto him.

What did Herb Alpert do to offend you so?

And we want cake!

I don't own a Haz-Mat suit!

There are times when it's an advantage that most of my searches are for semi-obscure academics, aren't there?