
The Slavers is a fantastic comic (one of my favourite scenes is where he "breaks" the woman responsible for running the sex slaves, as she was responsible for "breaking" the girls). However its combination of extreme violence (including sexual violence) plus the incredibly bleak atmosphere and ending means Netflix

Born is fantastic, and gives an origin to Castle beyond "I must avenge my family!" Same goes for "The Tyger". Ennis really understands the pathological nature of the character, that even before his family were killed the murderous nature was there, the need to be the most monstrous, deadly thing possible to keep the

Hey, in the MAX series Punisher ends up shooting Micro in the face after he betrays him. So maybe they could just get Dane Cook in for a two second cameo where Castle shoots him in the face.

Yeah, Punisher never getting real revenge on his family's killers is arguably what drives him to wage war on organised crime as a concept, rather than on specific gangsters who killed his family (which is also what the Tom Jane film got wrong by having the Punisher know and then kill the man responsible for his

Barracuda would be great. He and Jigsaw are the only really iconic villains in the Punisher series due to Castle murdering his villains, so they don't get much replay value.

And by "oddball highlight" you mean Dominic West wearing ridiculous facial prosthetics whilst mangling a New York accent worse than Punisher mangled his face?

DCEU = DC European Union? With Angela Merkel as Wonder Woman and Vladimir Putin as Lex Luthor?

Yes, I thought Marci was way hotter (in both looks and charisma) than Karen, who Foggy was moping over at the time.

That's why this version of the Punisher is so good. He's very similar to the Ennis MAX version, who is a brutal fighter who uses whatever techniques he can to finish the fight quickly and kill his opponent (for example ripping a heavily disfigured terrorist's bandaged facial muscles off with his teeth in one story).


Ah yes, that sounds familiar. I retract my previous statement that it was a balls-up and reinstate my initial theory.


Yeah, that whole film was a bit of a car crash.

"Even though reopening a trial at this point is illegal and grossly unconstitutional, I just can't say no to kids."

I don't know about that. I think you've just been fooled by Stick's elaborate "negging" strategy…

Also Matt and Claire.

Damn, good point. There goes my one explanation as to the short-sightedness of killing a key character (Ben) who you then realise would actually be really useful to have around, so have to shoehorn in another character to fulfil his function.

Is it just me or do Karen and Matt just have no chemistry? That whole relationship was definitely one of the weaker parts of the season…

I disagree - the Punisher characterisation is spot-on and consistent and Bernthal nails it. Elektra, whilst much better than the movie version, is still kind of all over the place in terms of how she's characterised. Also her arc/side of the season is just weaker overall, and Yung is good but can't compete with

Didn't they cull loads of characters as they thought they'd only get one season?