
Been a while since I read it, but the novel of "The Warriors" (written in the 1960s) had very monoethnic gangs l think, which is completely different from the 1970s film it inspired.

That is a fantastic typo. Also pretty horrific, when considering the image of "someone" being smeared on a child's face.

I posted previously on these boards about how having the Punisher kill an innocent defeats the purpose of the character so the universe is engineered so that never happens. I won't repeat it here, but needless to say it's either a conceit you buy into or you don't.

That's not true, at least not for this fan of the Punisher and the Hannibal TV show.

It's a fair point about the "hero pose" in the final episode. To me the final episode didn't handle the character as well as they'd done up to that point. I mean, the previous episode had Karen turning away in disgust at Frank basically deciding to straight up murder the Blacksmith, and then in the finale she's

The Punisher exists in a comic book universe where vigilantes with a "no-kill" policy routinely do the sort of martial arts moves that in real life would break the recipient's neck or give them fatal head trauma. Castle doesn't kill innocent people because that's how this universe works; he is able, through superior

The terrible treatment of news media interns, that's the real story Karen should write!

"What does it mean to be a ho? Just look in the mirror, you'll know."

It would be pretty great if it turned out that all the stuff with Karen becoming a journalist this season was actually just a drug-induced fever dream, and actually for the whole season she'd just locked herself in Ben's office and was variously screaming obscenities at staff who tried to remove her, or hammering out

I thought it was that she killed her brother in a car accident?

Yeah, I saw the minigun in that motion poster too, and thought it would be awesome if he teamed up with Elektra and Daredevil to defeat the Hand.

Yes, and what was even weirder was that Punisher was shooting the ninjas AFTER Daredevil had defeated them and they were no longer a threat. Almost like Castle turned up late and was like "Oh crap, I missed the big fight, better pick off a few stragglers to show that I was totally here the whole time and just waiting

Bernthal: "Uh, thanks Norman. Wait… this one appears to show you and the Punisher having very rough sex…"

The Circle of Blood thing sounds familiar. I also will need to go dig through my comics…

I don't think that's the case with the Ennis version of the character, but I accept I may be wrong as it's been a while since I read all the MAX/Marvel Knights series (though am currently working my way back through them again).
I am fairly convinced he doesn't kill the people who planned the hit until "The Cell"

The final line of that series from Castle to the mobster is chilling, which is something like: "You'll still die, it'll just take longer".

Berthal also mentioned in that interview that the guy said to him, "Do not fuck this up." So he was essentially giving voice to every Punisher fan who has watched a series of screenwriters, directors and actors repeatedly drive the character into a tree.

I would love it if he just went and got him a load of completely unrelated and inappropriate comics, like "My Little Pony."

Although I should add that Jane was awesome in the Punisher video game, which also stuck much closer to the character than any other non-comic book portrayals up until the Bernthal version.

True, there were some good moments which were pretty much lifted directly from Ennis's "Welcome Back Frank" arc. But yeah, Travolta killing his whole family was crap. Also as someone pointed out on these boards many years ago, Jane's version creates elaborate schemes to get Travolta's goons and friends to kill each