
What about "Atlas Shrugged"? That has a capitalist superhero!

Given the reviewer's mention of Garner's good portrayal of the "softer side"/relationship stuff with Matt Murdock, I'm just going to leave this here: https://youtu.be/_nnOcgElmMc

I'm more surprised that the film contains numerous plugs for Prius, the car of choice for godless liberals who believe in man-made climate change.


Assuming the three vigilantes bit is from the Ennis run, weren't two of them just straight-up villains: one a Neo-Nazi, and one a schizophrenic serial killing priest. The only one who could possibly be called a traditional vigilante was the guy who was taking down corrupt CEOs (though Castle's reason for taking him

Punisher: Warzone (the movie) had a similar situation with (SPOILER) an undercover cop that Castle killed thinking he was a monster. But then he just moped around for the movie until he could find Redemption through saving the cop's widow.

I really liked this season, but it definitely felt more "incomplete" than the last season. The last episode has three separate "to be continued" moments (avoiding spoilers: the CD which hints at the presence of another character; the "resolution" of the non-Punisher arc; and the DD bit.)

It's when Foggy fights that dog over half a burrito, isn't it?

I'm far more interested in the fact that the film apparently features both Heath Ledger, back from the dead and auditioning for the MJ role in a remake of the "Thriller" video, and a roided-up Vladimir Putin.

They both said "You suck" a lot? Albeit with different contexts and intonation…

They both said "You suck" a lot? Albeit with different contexts and intonation…

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus  - I'm not proud of it, but I had to like your comment just for the all-caps expression of "WONDROUS TEAT", like something that would be exclaimed by a thirsty baby if it was being played by Kirk Douglas.

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus  - I'm not proud of it, but I had to like your comment just for the all-caps expression of "WONDROUS TEAT", like something that would be exclaimed by a thirsty baby if it was being played by Kirk Douglas.

Actually, with a show opening that revolves around a character going wildly off-message on-air a-la-Network, a hot shot character being brought in which causes frictions with a former love interest working with them, the gruff-but-ultimately-wise exec… Well it pretty much sounds exactly like Studio 60. all we need is

Actually, with a show opening that revolves around a character going wildly off-message on-air a-la-Network, a hot shot character being brought in which causes frictions with a former love interest working with them, the gruff-but-ultimately-wise exec… Well it pretty much sounds exactly like Studio 60. all we need is

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus - Is it… Zero?

@avclub-75e43c12ef9f1cfdaeae92ca6fa90640:disqus - Is it… Zero?

"Thirty-Three"… degrees is not the body temperature of this cold bald man.

"Thirty-Three"… degrees is not the body temperature of this cold bald man.
