
I thought it was normally that their spouse (and/or grandparent, friend, neighbour, cat, postman etc) had died rather than left them. Which of course they declare whilst some mawkish Coldplay-style crap plays in the background. And then they go on stage and they do the same bloody version of "I Will Always Love You"

They have to get them from somewhere… Besides, the Eurovision Song Contest is the only thing preventing war in Europe, allowing all those various countries to sublimate their nationalistic hatreds by giving low scores to the warbling representatives of whichever country they'd otherwise be invading.

Hey, at least it isn't the UK X-Factor, the current panel of which is made up of:

@avclub-2f95b31df34a5fba7044ec89d8e9b18c:disqus  - As an agnostic I'm somewhat surprised by your comments. I like Dawkins for the most part, and as with Hitchens and Maher, I'm glad that he is willing to call bullshit on the hypocrisy of religious institutions and tries to hold religious leaders like the Pope to

@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus  - I think you've misunderstood Descartes, as well as what constitutes philosophical scepticism. Cartesian methodology was used by the Vatican in opposition to "Scepticism," the Ancient Greek philosophical school that stated that there is no such thing as "knowledge,"

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus If that's true, either Maher's mockery wasn't biting enough, or Piers Morgan has really mellowed out since moving to America. I'm inclined to believe it's the former - after all, the guy never used to take criticism so well…

@avclub-14e4cee178d88fb9aa346dbcc11f2873:disqus  - That's true. Tea is fine, but our soaps are our great national shame. Well, them and and our obsession with puerile celebrity gossip and TV talent shows… Also that whole "400 years of exploiting the crap out of people in the name of colonialism."

@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus - Fair point. The British back then claimed they were building the Empire for the sake of the "inferior" natives, whilst exploiting all their resources. The Americans do the same but don't say it's the natives who are inferior - just their political systems. I suppose I

Damn, that's exactly right! Which is further evidence to my earlier point that the guy in the queue wasn't British…

When it comes to regressive puritanical ethics (and self-destructive capitalist impulses, anti-intellectual aggression, unquestioning patriotism, and a love of war and guns that borders on the fetishistic), Americans are still way ahead of the British. I mean, the Daily Mail and The Sun are trying to close that gap,

And hey, at least we were honest about being ruthless, exploitative
bastards! None of this covert "spreading democracy," PNAC crap…

@avclub-b2c4b2c51fe41bc50bf423450c6e09f0:disqus  - You need to stop reading "The Daily Mail," or at least stop talking to people who do.

As a British person, I can confirm that we get very upset about queue-jumping. Queuing is what we do. People get up early on a Monday just to queue at the Post Office. We love that shit.

As usual with most game-related stuff, Rockstar did the "rap theme song to a videogame" thing better…

@avclub-e2684ea2157a2423b7463536886837b2:disqus  - I believe the correct name you are looking for is "chip butty." You see in the UK "french fries" are called "chips." Also "movies" are called "films," "elevators" are called "lifts," "soccer" is called "football," and "American football" is called "rugby for wimps who

@insect overlord

Children of Earth was awesome because it harks back to the tradition of dark British sci-fi exemplified by the Quatermass series. It's not really about the alien threat, it's more about how people respond to it, and in this style of sci-fi people in authority respond with knee-jerk actions that severely impact the

@avclub-100a2a14a7f2903d29db0dc435c0cfe8:disqus  - Those are all reasonable points. As with all entertainment, responses to The Wire's final season are gonna be subjective. I guess I'm just one of those people who was particularly disappointed in it.