
But ultimately you decided to keep your original name: Dave.

I wasn't aware of Groening's absence on the post-Season 10 commentaries (I stopped buying the boxsets after Season 9), but his public statements of support for the show in its current form have shown a bizarre form of cognitive dissonance. He's even stated that it's the "best it's ever been" - right on these pages, in

I agree - the major failing with the post-Golden Era (certainly post-Season 9) Simpsons are not that they play around with continuity ("That 90s Show" being a prime example), but that they just aren't that funny.

Considering Groening's support of later Simpsons (when the show had clearly gone off the rails) and his attendant denial of any drop in quality, his dislike of both "A Star is Burns" and "The Principal and the Pauper" is puzzling. After all, both those episodes have plenty of great lines and show an intelligence and

@avclub-3a964157d2661371723992a5bbe09992:disqus , I agree with you. I should probably have made it clearer that my main objection was with the co-production with Starz.

I also thought Season 5 of The Wire was terrible - nearly gave up on that season halfway through, but stuck with it. Still not sure if it was worth it; ends up being a massive pile-up of David Simon's personal grudges, misanthropy and arrogance. Still I suppose for completion's sake you've got to watch it - it might

The first two seasons might have been terrible - I haven't seen all of them, but what I did see was just campy, slightly rude sci-fi. "Children of Earth" was brilliant however, probably some of the best sci-fi the UK has produced in recent years. The darkness, bleakness and intensity of CoE was what "adult" sci-fi

Torchwood and Doctor Who, whilst linked, almost seem to operate in different universes. In fact, I thought that post-"Children of Earth," the show would move towards an attitude of "humanity responds to an alien threat in such a reprehensible way that the Doctor runs a mile."

Problems With This Season of Torchwood

smile, then stare off into the distance wistfully…

I think some people in Wales and Scotland would take issue with that… There was sufficient anger amongst the Welsh and the Scottish with the riots being reported as "British" despite only occurring in England that most major news channels in the UK quickly started calling them the "English riots."

I look forward to the Hollywood martial arts remake…

Didn't Seagal have a scene in one of his movies where he finds the guy who threw a puppy out of the window of a moving car, and then hits the guy in the nuts?

I thought with "According to Jim" they used those horrifying charity ads in the commercial breaks just to lighten the mood?

aggressively void his bowels.

laugh hysterically.

Good point. We have the same attitude about Europe (particularly France).

First of all, the riots only occurred in England anyway, so they weren't "British" gangs. But anyway, you guys do realise that "Britain" includes Wales and Scotland, right? And that they don't use cockney slang?

Possibly off-topic, but having looked up "Capricorn One" and then its cast member "OJ Simpson" to see if it's the same did-he-didn't-he-stabbing dude (it is), I saw this was the first line on his Wikipedia page:

In the real life event it was a badger.