
Prince Philip.

By "true events" I assume you mean "Rupert Murdoch's media strategy."

I wasn't aware that they were joking, that makes it more understandable. Cheers guys for clearing that up.

I really don't understand the appeal of Patton Oswalt. I've seen his stand-up and don't find it funny. That's fair enough though, comedy is subjective and maybe he appeals to a specific demographic that I'm not part of, and so I don't really appreciate the comedic observations he makes.

Someone's been smoking too much Tupac!

Is this "let's interview someone with a terrible critical reputation…" feature following on from the Violent J interview? Actually, Whitney and Violent J do seem remarkably similar in appearance, speech and attitude.

It was a decent interview, and given that I've never heard anything by Larry the Cable Guy I can't comment personally on the guy's act. However, given the amount of vitriol he inspires amongst both commenters and staff on the AV Club, the interview did seem to duck a lot of the tougher questions.

Point Horror

The "Choose Your Own Adventure"-style books were a pretty good timewaster, although I remember the series got a bit more complicated later on and started incorporating dice rolls and pen-and-paper stats updating, so I lost interest - too much effort, and took a lot of the "easy-reading" element out of the series. Plus

I was wondering what was so special about "The Heiress Vs. The Gypsy" so I did a Google Image search for the term.


He played Dominic West's psychotic brother in "Punisher: War Zone," allowing them to play the "worst New Yoik accent" game together.

I think that girl is already a lost cause for the educational establishment. It looks like it'd take three years of intense schooling just to teach her how to use a fork.

When a "child bride" looks older than her husband, then it pretty much makes the whole concept pointless. He could probably have picked up a similar-looking skank that was much closer to his age and therefore not had to deal with the "dirty old man" innuendo from the media outlets.

So how do Americans feel about Clarkson, Hammond and May as presenters? In the UK there's a wide gulf between people who enjoy the show and laugh along with Clarkson et al when they do their "outrageous bigot" act, and others who despise Clarkson (mainly) and the other presenters (sometimes) with the heat of a 1000

Oh, and for the record I've enjoyed a lot of DPA's comments on issues that don't evolve around the "WM3." Whilst I don't agree with many of his opinions on this particular matter, I'm glad the tone of this debate so far has been passionate without devolving to personal insults. It's a nice change from that awful IMDB

@Mr. Belding is America's Principal

DPA, it's not that I don't think the AV Club can "withstand an alternative point of view," it's more the fact that you've posted your opinion on multiple threads. It's not necessary, and makes you come across as slightly obsessive.

DPA, I'm confused - with whom are you having this debate regarding the guilt of the "WM3"?

Of course the most apparent downside to this recent event is that the IMDB Boards for the first Paradise Lost movie are now gonna close down. Seriously, that had probably the largest amount of horrific yet strangely fascinating trolling, illogical arguments and ad hominem attacks of anywhere that wasn't Fox News.