
I didn't know that the animations on Round The Bend were done by Private Eye cartoonists, but I believe the puppets were created by the people responsible for Spitting Image.

Most subversive and/or insane programs for children
Off the top of my head I'd go with Animaniacs, Earthworm Jim and a UK show called "Round The Bend" which was set in a sewer and featured a giant man-eating alligator and rats as presenters, and regularly showed spoofs of established cartoons which were often so

I quite liked the dark tone of the Frank Grimes episode, and I didn't think the Tanzarian episode was all that bad - it had a few laughs and whilst the twist was stupid, they immediately retconned it at the end of the episode.

Ha! Joke's on you Evil Studio Honchos - 28 Days Later came out YEARS ago!

I agree with all the new year resolution gym-goers hate.

Possible tracklist:

Good points all. On the AvP movies, I always thought they missed a psychosexual trick with those, seeing as how it pits the Alien, which resembles a giant phallus (deliberately too, if you view the first film as a representation of male rape) against ol' vagina face himself.

Lone Audience, I understand your explanation and it is one I've heard plenty of times before but nevertheless it just seems pointless and exploitative to me; I still think Cameron didn't believe there could be a strong female lead that wasn't motivated by maternal instincts.

I've seen "Aliens" cited lots of times as a "sequel that's better than the original," a view with which I disagree. I can appreciate that the two may be considered different genres, but then to make the judgment as to which film does its job better in its respective genre, and I still think Alien is a better sci-fi

Wilford Brimley?
Is the muderer…

Cameron & "Aliens"
I still find it hard to accept that "Aliens" is often regarded as a better film than "Alien" particularly when Cameron's take basically replaces the tension and disturbing designs of the first film with lots of explosions and an appallingly saccharine surrogate-mother-daughter relationship between

"Now you see why banging doesn't pay?"

I think the problem with Tool not being on this list is that "Lateralus" is one of the most critically-praised metal albums of the decade, and Tool are one of the most popular metal acts, not only with fans but also with OTHER metal acts (I recall that at Ozfest in 2002 pretty much every other act, including Black

This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever seen on the internet.

I think the similarities come from the bobblehead seen at the start of the game, the plot focus on a "Vault", the design of the "raider" characters, the little robot thing and the post-apocalyptic graphics. I admit, some of these could be straightforward tributes, but the style does seem quite derivative. There could

Absolutely disagree with this review - thought this was brilliant, one of the best South Parks I've seen recently, and I'd never heard of "Whale Wars" before this show.

On the subject of videogames, Silent Hill 2 remains one of the most oppressive and terrifying experiences I've had in any entertainment medium. The whole Amusement Park section in Silent Hill 3 also had a similar effect. In both cases, I had to turn the game off at some points and just forget about it for a while

In response to Lemur, I always thought the pre-destination thing survived because despite the fact that it was completely absurd (you're damned or saved regardless of what you do), the whole thing was that the saved ACTED like they were saved and the damned acted like the damned. So the saved were hard-working and

To paraphrase Mr ZMF…

I'm fairly certain that Marge Simpson was voted one of the Top 100 Sexiest Women by FHM back in the late 90s. I'm just surprised it took so long for Playboy to get in on the act.