
I figured that Buzzkills was given the elbow because it covered similar ground to the Hater (despite Buzzkills being much, much more entertaining in my opinion) and the site wasn't big enough for the two of them to co-exist. The Hater has been around for longer, so Buzzkills was no more.

Religious Message
Mr Pierce, nice article, but "Spoiler Alerts" permitting (actually, what the hell, spoil it), can you please explain what the religious message is in this fim? I'm intrigued, but can't see any explicit reference to it in the review.

Pig in Zen has got it spot on. The end of Devil's Rejects is completely ridiculous and highlights the major flaw with the whole film - Zombie expects us to like a bunch of dull, annoying, mass-murdering white trash just because he does, without giving us any actual reason.

I'm guessing The Blob will just be a huge Charles Manson lookalike.

A staged scuffle?
I am shocked and appalled. If we can't expect honesty from a controversy-courting hip hop star and a comedian that once pretended to stuff Pamela Anderson into a bag, what hope do the rest of us have?

I don't really understand the argument that gun ownership "evens the odds" between the bad guys and the good guys. Having a gun doesn't stop you from getting shot, it just increases the chances of somebody else getting shot as well.

I used to be a Michael Moore fan - bought the books, watched the movies and so on. I thought Farenheit 9/11 was an excellent expose on the ridiculously corrupt Bush administration. It was only after watching it again at university that I realised some of his arguments were completely spurious - in particular that Bush

Mercury? Hmm, I figured the butt would be on the opposite side of the galaxy to the face of Mars.

I'm surprised Bale didn't go with the obvious line: "Get out Shane, or I'm gonna HURL your BUTT outta here…"