
what about a lion tamer! Damn, Scrawler! Don't forget about us cat weirdos.

If I should die be-fore I wake…
*cackles deliriously*

I am exceptionally pleased that you got the first comment here, and even moreso, that this is what you did with it. Good form, you.

I think my favourite Roger Sterling line comes from S3, E5, where Pete Campbell suggests that Admiral TV market to minorities, and he consequently gets reamed by Sterling and Bert Cooper. Roger berating Pete is wonderful, but when Lane Pryce calls for an end, Roger just says "It's never as good as you think it's

I actually got escorted out last year. How was I supposed to know that "Modell-style plaid" wasn't a thing you could get at the merch table, even if you traded ether for it?

…I need a cigarette. And I don't even smoke.

Just keep watching. I feel like it's impossible to answer your question(s) in any detail without spoiling anything for you, but it is addressed, more or less, at some point.

There is never enough Landry. Also SPOILER:

I could go on about this, but yes, and the DCAU was good about developing its characters enough that an episode like this could tie up two big loose ends (Diana reconciling with the Amazons, and Shayera, to maybe a lesser extent) without any of it seeming forced.

I know that "Kid's Stuff" was kind of a one-time comedy episode, but I loved all the ridiculous fun with Diana and baby Etrigan.

The other TV dad tied for first is Keith Mars, right? Right?

This interview was delightful. At the very least, I expect it to be the most defensible thing I will ever read involving a 27 year old taking a 15 year old on a date.

*stares blankly and smiles, then turns head to face @avclub-c2f1c4ca8c389f37c0d3c838bb27ef25:disqus *

You're absolutely correct, even if Rob Lowe is sobbing right now.

What, wouldn't Cadbury license the rights on the Creme Egg Bunny?

This episode is all kinds of great, for the opposition taking action, and for what it means in terms of the overall story. Also: I love any episode where J'onn gets his hands dirty.


La Pipe, I think what you want is the Teen Titans animated series that used to air on Cartoon Network, around the same time period that Justice League Unlimited aired. It's really a kids show, but really well-written, and I don't think it would be painful for an adult to watch.


"Flag of Japan"