
*sighs, undresses*

I can't stress how much I loved Flash standing up to Lex. Don't get me wrong, the entire episode is full of wonderful moments (Luthor's Justice Lord robots, GL and Shayera, Superman's doubts, THE WALL and her big-ass gun calling off a nuclear strike)

I really did too. "No, Wally! Take my hand!" pretty much gets me every time.

Ha. You have to admit, spambots aside, that this is an appropriate screencap for the episode, at least the best one not involving The Thing With Two Heads. (Oliver's choice of screencap has been superb throughout these reviews.)

Fun episode; I love Supergirl standing up to Galatea, all the taunting in the middle of a severe beating. "Goodbye, daddy" is heartbreaking, though.

Great review! I think this is one of the best episodes of the show, no question. Ha ha.

I agree with Sonia - the scene of Julie telling her parents how great
they are, and the different reactions from Coach and Tami - is priceless. The show didn't posit Coach as a Dumb TV Dad too often, but the instances when it did were used to good effect.

Julie got on my nerves plenty of times throughout the series, but her showing up with a casserole when Matt is sitting on the front steps, trying to deal with everything, bought her all the forgiveness in the world.

I'm a Freddie Lounds cat, myself, but Raul Esparza is nothing less than great on this show. His brand of oily insecurity is perfect for his part.

"Hello Joseph"

Tell us the truth, is this just an excuse to sneak in another Breaking Bad article and call it something else?

I feel silly because I thought this week's episode was "Question Authority". Next week, Catgun.

My grandma will not shut up about the time she found an adam's apple in the alley and her family had to use it to buy firewood.

*sighs, relieved*

John Coltrane, "Giant Steps"
Koplant No, "Distants"
Ladytron, "Witching Hour" - this led to me watching a bunch of Ladytron videos recently which led to a crush on Helen in no time at all.

There is never enough The Wall.

This isn't my favourite episode, not even close, but I still really like it. Captain Marvel is a treat, there is plenty of glorious violence, and the whole thing reinforces the idea that Superman's ideals have changed. Plus, that ending.


I couldn't decide on "because of course he did" or "because Morrissey", but you can see where I was going with this.

I bet Morrissey's tour manager cries more than a two-year-old.