
Well who were you thinking of when you made that decision. Pretty selfish, Drifter.

Don't get me started on this, or I'm going to end up making half a dozen lists about it. But a thousand times yes.

Nice review, Oliver - you nailed everything that's great about this episode. I always forget about Ed Asner here, and shame on me - he's such a good choice for Granny Goodness.

Even without watching the video, this sounds more like a "What the Fuck, Internet".

Man how many people do you think went to their barber with a picture of "Hercules"-era Kevin Sorbo and just said "see how close you can get it"

This contest seems like it is not my turn to give a fuck.


This thread is going to have a lot, and I mean a lot of references

I feel as though it might be time to have a weekly Courtney Love Bad Decisions feature on the site, and just retire her from Newswire. Doesn't 'news' have to be at least a little unexpected? At this point, that turtle picture has been taking up space in 'recent documents' for a while now.

You really stink at this.

I understand how you feel - the ending of "Panic in the Sky" seemed like a cop-out when I first saw it. Maybe it still is.

Depends on whether you consider playing shortstop in Yankee Stadium a superpower or not.

You forgot:
-The Iron Man suit while nobody was in it
-Stan Lee had a 'cameo'

Excited Cat is Excited. I will try to reserve my most obnoxious enthusiasm for the end of this season, but I'm delighted just to have the reviews back.

Pooh lost an eye in the war…and nobody sewed it back on

'catcarchy'? Come on. 'anarkitty' is right there. You BUMS! You are completely doing it wrong.

Not even close. God, what could have been. Roman and Kyle slowly figuring out that they were catering a Klan rally, as a young anti-semite tries to reconcile his attraction to Casey, Ron accidentally using a Klan robe as a tablecloth…

In the comic, that creature symbolized obviousness. Hence, it was unnecessary in Snyder's "Watchmen".


I learned this one from an old boss that I really liked.