
I couldn't be happier about this. If someone had told me ten years ago that Scott Thompson would still be a thing, much less be on Hannibal and Buddy Cole on the Colbert Report, I would have not believed. Yet here we are.

Smug, because he's Seth Meyers.

I wanted to flag this for username / comment disagreement, but I ended up 'liking' it because it was adorable. Also it doesn't warrant being flagged.

This is good news. Will check this out later when I have time to digest it.

I was thinking the worst aspects of "Toys" combined with everything awful about "Armageddon". I don't want to think about it any further, really, because that sounds terrible.

Neko Case is hilarious in general. I'm disappointed to see that her website has been updated, as it appears that the redesign includes the removal of her old travelogues.

I don't know if your game involves more drinking or less than the one I came up with: take a shot every time LL Cool J is seen wearing a different hat.

Or until the animal that is used to make them becomes endangered.

Amelie, The Lego Movie looks adorable and charming. Calm Down.

There is already plenty of kissing. Mostly of this show's ass by the commentariat!

Are we talking start of the conversation, or end of the conversation? The answer will affect my wager, significantly.

Me-ow, Hussy.

I came here just to say the same thing. It is near impossible to describe how much I loved Billy and Mindy by the end of the series.

Everyone who insists on quoting Anchorman all the goddamn time, I hope you are happy. This is what you wanted, after all.

Auto-playing videos are a nuisance, to be sure. What I don't understand is why anyone insists on complaining about this. There are ways to prevent the video from playing on just about any browser. Allowing the internet itself to determine your experience is just lazy.

3 Taste Tests

Huh. Some of this stuff looks kind of great. The 'Peter Pan' and 'Last Unicorn' t-shirts are really striking, though damned if I feel like I could get away with wearing them.

*Clicks 'Like', signs out to go vomit*

Man I could have watched 90 minutes of Eddie Griffin and Chris Kattan taunt-dancing on the helipad alone.

I feel the same way, and no high-concept remake will Swayze my opinion.