
The guns can smoke…but never the people!

Go on…

*serenades Neckbeard from the bleachers during soccer practice*

@avclub-d1dd537846e529e1101d7c23e170fe4b:disqus I have been asked to encourage you to join the ALL NEW TI forums.

I can't read the word 'monster' without picturing Tony Hale destroying a bedroom with a prosthetic hook. I guess this might change the expectations for Seal Team 666 if Tony Hale shows up, though a The Rock / Buster Bluth buddy action-comedy might be rad.


No, dummy, a billboard that says 'NO FAT CHICKS'

Next week on Girls: It turns out that all of the Girls are independently dating Minnesota Timberwolves center Nikola Pekovic - and none of them are upset about this development!

Dan, she's doing it ironically.

"This just in…Pinedale Shopping Mall bombed with live turkeys. Film at 11."

This is a wonderful story.

These guys deserve to all be played by Shia Lebouf.

"Billy, do you like movies about gladiators?"

I mean to tell you that very little which happens on the internet has an effect on real life.

The hell with this, when do we get our Taft 2012 movie? What else does John Goodman have going on, anyway? Get him some turkey legs and moustache wax immediately!

*actually fixes the cable, leaves dejectedly*

I hate you for making me laugh at this.

I don't know, you're looking a little puffy yourself. And you could stand to lose five pounds.

She'd just run her fingers through that gorgeous hair, and smile, and you'd be scrubbing the inside of her bathtub before you even knew what happened.

Enough about your date tonight, this is news about Connie Britton! She'd be great in anything, so I hope they find a spot for her on this season of AHS.