
Short enough to joke about, long enough to be taken seriously!

This is such a good idea that it will never be seriously considered.

"and certainly Dan Aykroyd would have no part in tarnishing John Belushi’s legacy"

Hell's bells, Hat! Did Connor ever sexually assault his neighbor's nanny and then smile at himself in the mirror as he straightened his tie?

On a scale of 1 to Pete Campbell as to how punchable it is, I give it about a 3.

*draws stick figure, writes "Paula Deen" underneath*

This one will be narrated by Kelsey Grammer and you'll like it.

The Heat 2: Even More Heatier

If you had replaced 'fox' with basically any type of wild cat, I would have wondered if Disqus screwed up and put your name on one of my own posts.

Some of those side effects look very familiar…did I have sex with Kim Kardashian and not know it? I feel like tabloids would report on that if it were the case. Maybe I just like booze and bad decisions?

I did want to pet it.

Kanye West should probably be kept somewhere that he can only interact with the outside world by way of producing music, and Kim Kardashian has no business in any sort of news, save for reports of her being launched directly into the sun.

Why the hell would you even be here if you didn't want the weird stuff?

It turns out that Hollywood will take any Dick whether it's new or not.

I was thinking "Man, PJ Harvey has not aged well".*

FLAGGED, I GUESS? I don't even know any more.

Oh, so you're a thinking cap now?

*Pulls out chair, sits down at kitchen table*

Priestgasm! is possibly the best Burl Productions™ title yet.

I don't know about that, @avclub-f365c0cee72aa186f5a6e0b174cfc256:disqus , I'm going to need to see some visual evidence.