How large are your…denominations?
How large are your…denominations?
Funny, from your username, I would have assumed you to be more knowledgeable about astronauts. Maybe I was wrong in assuming the origin of your username. Did you like that one R.E.M. song but misunderstand the title?
Michael Bay's ArmaGleedon
Now I suppose you want a movie. This Is the 'six seasons and a movie' that everyone keeps muttering about, isn't it?
Sorry…We No Longer Want To Hit That™
I believe he withdrew when his hat flew south for the winter.
It does make me long for the Wes Anderson movie starring Gene Wilder that will never happen, but it looks fantastic, and damned if I won't make a point to see it. Could we get Anjelica Huston in there before the premiere?
All in favor of requiring Lobsters to wear the "Lobby Boy" hat from now on?
Came here just to post this! Ejiofor has been great in everything he's been in. Easily the best part of Serenity and he held Redbelt together. I'm just glad to see him getting roles of this caliber.
Oh, Bagel, don't kid yourself. Your comments were always meaningless.
The old system apparently had a limit on the number of Breaking Bad articles it could support; hence, the AV Club had to change.
Zoomineers. Christ. It was right there!
Oh, Newswire. Getting drunk and naked helps with almost everything.
Hey Deathbat, check this out:
*holds up raunchy magazine spread*
MMMMM, Forbidden Donut
*sighs, comments*
Off-topic: Is anyone else having trouble with Disqus loading sporadically or not at all? It might just be a fluke, but I kind of feel like Disqus is frightened of the Tolerability Index and is preemptively wetting its pants.
They can call it MarvelTelevision, or MTV for short. There's no awful stigma associated with that acronym, right?
Tim Riggins versus a sixer of Alamo Beer: that poor beer never had a chance.
@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus You know that people are awful when even Matt Saracen has a hard time being nice to them!