
How much Bill Murray are we talking here? Is it enough that I will see this movie, or not so much?


The man they call Jayne!
He robbed from the rich and he gave to the poor,
He stood up to the man and he gave him what for.
Our love for him now, ain't hard to explain,
The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne!

I know you can't see it, but I'm pressing my wallet up against my display right now.

"Last Exit to Springfield" is the reason I learned how to use the VCR as a Kittengun, so that I could record that episode.

I try to limit my comments here but I always made a point to 'like' your status on this feature, as it has warmed my heart to hear about you taking charge of your life and making it stick.  From one internet weirdo to another, I'm proud of you.

I took in very little pop-culture this week, as I largely spent my time reading and researching for class.  I did find time to volunteer at the local Planned Parenthood book sale, which I try to do every time it is held.  'Volunteering' in this case means working the checkout, which is easy enough and means getting

Good luck out there in Radio Land, kid. Hopefully you'll come back someday as Generic Unfullfilled Twentysomething, Generic Aging Hipster, and finally, Generic GET OFF MY LAWN.

'Tis sad but true.  At least we had one last good O'Nealing before the end.

Agreed, though I would have settled for a photo of T. Herman Zweibel.

10/90 is pretty good for Comedy Central!  Think of what could happen if these guys didn't have a show.

Somebody needs to go in the wood chipper, no later than the third episode.  Don't worry about him too much.

Hey Deathbat, I think that's true - he kind of fell off the face of the Earth around the time ZMF disappeared.  Hmmm….

Oh, no doubt.  The smoldering chemistry shared by those two put many a fanfic writer's sauciest yarns to shame.

I can't get Gameological here (somehow the main AV Club site is okay though), so thanks for passing this on.  John Teti is a class act and congrats to him on the new position.  It seems a little like a silver lining today, albeit to a giant turd of a cloud.

I think I felt better about this change when it seemed like unreasonable bullshit that was being inflicted upon us.  You're a prince, O'Neal.  I'll miss you most of all.

Like you could handle a bottle of that.  You might start with something easier, like picking a fight with an entire meat packing plant.

Scrawler is our own HomeStar Runner - a superhero who only has the power of being very nice.  That and the perving.

This is so true that it hurts.  I feel like I might as well post inappropriate pictures of my body now and just get it over with.

I…I almost asked, but I caught myself when I realized "that's a silly question, of course Pervy would know what it tastes like"