
Late Thread?  (Note for newcomers: This is a thread posted late in the TI, not a thread where I talk about being 'late' because I am having yet another pregnancy scare.  Catgun does not have a uterus.  Also, Catgun does not know why the use of the third person is occurring today, but Catgun does not have the

God, I'm so happy this movie is coming out.  I have no real intentions of seeing it, even as it looks decent; I'm just elated that I don't have to look at Miley Cyrus's goddamn picture on the AV Club homepage any more.

This would be more funny if it were less true.

But it looks terrible.  Only one of those crappy animated people looks like it could be an actual cop.  Is that supposed to be the show's central premise?


wtf is for Starz lol

I will make a point to call you "Deathbat" now, at least as long as I remember.

'Liked', but only because I couldn't find the 'Related To' button.

Me too.  My Inner Swanson does not always get the best of me, though it is ever-present.

That's not bad but try this name out:

Fuck yeah I'd buy them.  That's a good amount of gin for sampling and it would give me an excuse to do some drinkin'. Count me in.

Cheer up, Hussy, I bet you'll have a decent conference, and you can comment on the Nintendo DS or whatever when you get back.

I have a t-shirt that was designed by Neko Case as a giveaway for folks who donated to 89.7 The Current, Minneapolis' public radio station.  I like the design - it's a light brown color with an old-fashioned radio drawing on the front - but mostly I appreciate it for the thought.  I'm a big Neko Case fan, and it

I've been making waffles for breakfast this week.  It's a simple recipe, though I always throw in some ground flaxseed and berries of some type (this week is red raspberries).  My waffle iron is small-ish, so I eat a waffle with a little peanut butter and salted caramel syrup.

It was not.  You're being prejudiced, or even worse: Thraceist.

I feel compelled to vote for Little House on the Prairie, even as it kills me not to vote for "Pierrot Le Fou".

You're thinking of me.  Common mistake.

The fact that Ricky posted this on Newswire immediately following one about Sofia Vergara is just killing me.

I've always pictured Sean as Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, resigned to his fate after about half a dozen failed suicide attempts.  Probably needs more drinkin', but it still seems close.

"No, honey, it's 'meth', with an 'M', and promise me that you won't use it.  Your pretty white teeth will fall out.  Remember how much they cost?  And how much you cried at the dentist's?"