
"We got a murder over at the AV Club forums, Chief, I'm gonna check it out there now."
"What happened?"
"The report says some mook was found dead, strangled with a bow tie.  I ain't saying he was asking for it, but I ain't saying he wasn't, you know."

"Sofia Vergara"…go on…"to produce an ABC sitcom"…never mind.

Cor blimey! Get yer baps out, love!

Is that the story of that part-time teacher who rose from the dead to show movies in class while the regular teacher is sick?

pederasty…you understand.

Of course he's real. Who do you think is posting here all the time?  Snuffleupagus?

Good lord.  I feel like I had a nightmare just reading this article.  I can't imagine what watching this show would be like.


See, Mike Myers gets it.  Pick paparazzi, or people, but not both, as they are mutually exclusive.

Et ye, swank

It could also be horrible, possibly even atrocious.  Regardless of how it turns out, it's already my least favorite season of American Horror Story.

Give it a breast, this thread is played out.

@avclub-4caf6aa0375b2499ebfe7e971b36eee3:disqus I feel like I owe you a reasonable FNL discussion now, for at least as long as you can hold in your BTR…urges.

Edit: Wrong Place, Catgun!

I don't think anyone who posts at the AV Club wants a 90-minute movie of Tom Hardy running around in a loincloth.

FLAGGED for not acknowledging Veronica Mars, Liked for acknowledging HBO for being creepy.

I look forward to not watching this because I don't even own a TV.  Also I am bad at driving the internet.  And I am not really interested.

Both.  Not too shouty enough.


So, a show about a sassy teenage girl detective?  It will never work as a TV show, at least not for more than two seasons.  Maybe a movie, but that remains to be seen.  At least see if Enrico Colantoni can play the father.