
Let this be a lesson to you.  Newswire is watching you at all times.  Always.  Even when you think you might get away with something.

World War Now I Know My ABCs, Next Time Won't You Sing With Me

I went to church camp as a kid, which was mostly singing church songs and swimming/hiking.  As a middle school kid, I went to this national guard camp where I got to shoot rifles and blowguns, and do archery.  In high school, I went to jazz camp, where I learned how marijuana works and played pinball, among other

Do you still have it

I keep forgetting about that show.  Once in a while i unforget, but usually I just regular forget.  I don't know if I've ever seen it, but I feel like its scripts must look like this:

What about the ladies in its town?  Don't tell me you've never heard of them.

I thought we talked about this.  Everyone at the AV Club has two jobs now, three in most cases.  Marah has twelve and two part-time jobs.  All freelance gigs are filled by Will Harris.

That or the Caption Contest.

Telly Savalas would like to have a word with you.  Yes, I know.

Are you serious?  Are you one of those people who doesn't 'get' Sam Rockwell?  Woody Harrellson and Christopher Walken were good in that, too.

Hilarious!  I'm not even on the twitters.  I'm not trying to slight HDS, he just doesn't seem like a big talker.  So I'm kind of impressed you got as much out of him as you did.


Hanks a lot for that joke, Dikachu.

No, the Vel, I think she's Jewish*.

Right, a solid third, behind Peggy and Kaitlin.

Yeah, there's a lot more bold "AVC" lines in this one than most Random Roles.  It's not a bad interview, though, terse but not curt.  I kind of feel like Will Harris deserves a merit badge or a piece of the Trivial Pursuit pie for this one.

How will casual viewers know that she is playing the Scarlet Witch?  Will they refer to her as such, or will she just be called 'Agent Witch', like Hawkguy and that sexy Russian without an accent.  Maybe she should wear a Scarlet Letter.

I'd be surprised if it turned out it was only that, yes.

My password is set to '12345', just like the code on my luggage!  I never forget it.

Late Thread!