
@ColdGottoBe:disqus You are not starting the Perv Thread here.  Put that away until later.  Let me at least have some gin first.

Sadness Cake flavor.

No, @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus , he said 'sexy'.

Dear Jezebel,
Retta is on this show, too.  Show some goddamn respect.

Brooks Brothers Boys, duh

No, his name is Spike Feresten, he wrote the "Soup Nazi" episode of Seinfeld.  I think this is a photo from his short-lived program Talkshow with Spike Feresten.

Edit: I'm sorry for what happened here. I think that forgetting a spoon today, and having to eat my yogurt with a fork has made me surly.

"Frenemy" is such a stupid goddamn word.  What is wrong with "rival"?  There are plenty of other good words that aren't half as self-pleased.

I thought you were going to be nice.  You promised, @avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus .

Here it is, the first thing of the day that I liked and immediately felt bad about.

Like a hardass Margie Gunderson!

I'm sorry, Hussy.  Job hunting is probably my least favorite thing in the world and you shouldn't be too discouraged because you didn't get this job.  A job search is always going to be at least 90% failure.  When you get a better job, it will mean that much more to you.  Hang in there.

Doesn't TBS also show "Bro Lawyers"*, or is that on another network?  It could be confusing to the Brah-dience if both programs air back-to-back.

Is anyone else disappointed that Conan's production company isn't called "Cobra"?


Definitely true, you'll see a bevy of "Who-dini" headlines by midseason.

The strap-on for your fist is Hulk Hands.

These pun threads really plateau the line between likes and FLAGGED.

Who, that guy in the black suit and white shirt with no tie?

Desperate Ex-Housewives Because of Tammy, That WHORE