
The only thing that is going to stop the issue of mental health care is a good guy with a gun!

You forgot "this town has a cat lady problem" and "ICE TO SEE YOU"

W-MEN: Everybody is normal and stuff.  Maybe some mild, chronologically-expected racism.

Would you like some maple syr-up yours?

I think you nailed it about the game mindset; being able to save the game helps, but it's more that I feel like I can't afford to blow an hour here and there playing games right now.

As long as nobody goes back and fucks with the Timm-verse animated Superman / Justice League et al. Lucas-style, I feel comfortable continuing to not give a crap about this.

We're from an Earth where our Superman is a British stereotype, that's why.

And the AV Club has "one" gimmick poster.

Weaz, dinosaurs are different.  I can't really enjoy daydreams about riding Breaking Bad through a downtown metropolitan area while it devours my enemies.

Every time you post, I see your avatar and I instinctively click 'like' before realizing that I haven't actually read what you posted.

This whole Newswire was gold, but that first line just killed me.

I wish I hadn't read this feature late, as I'm now tempted to play Mega Man Unlimited.  I am fond of many old NES/SNES games, but really can't afford to get sucked into a game right now!  Maybe a treat for me in a couple months, when it makes more sense to be indoors anyway.  Still, a new Mega Man thing seems so much

Ten minutes ago I didn't even care that you had a dad and now I want to hear all about him.

I legitimately believe he has it tattooed on one forearm, Memento-style.

Hmmm.  Seduced by Scarlett Johansson and then killed.  Is it too late to sign up?

Jesus Christ. *scowls in exasperation* Source Code, for one, was great.  Advanced technological concepts interwoven with an interesting storyline.  Real hard sci-fi.

Just to be clear, WoW looks like this, and people still play it?  I feel like I'm missing something.

I wasn't going to make a "Can't Fight the Seether" joke, but I appreciate you asking.  It looks like some other folks might have already made that joke, though.

I think this is MarkoP's roundabout way of telling us that he/she works at NBC.

Ken, it's nice that you finally registered for an account here, but I have to be honest, I probably won't watch your show.