
"We don't stand a chance!  That other show has Kat Dennings and racism!"

Vampire Willow.  Good god.  I'm disappointed in everyone, including myself, for letting this go on so long without a mention.

Here's a little spoiler: their secretary?  Sal Romano.

The Drapers of Wrath

That does it.  If anyone needs me, I'm taking the rest of the day off to write some goddamn sexy fanfiction.

*sighs, undresses*

Too early, too early.  I know you're excited for the Perv Thread, Dikachu, but if we have it now, what are we going to do for the rest of the afternoon?  Talk about our feelings?  The hell with that.  Hold it in and go comment on that stupid breakdancing movie.

Everyone still likes you, Amy Adams.  It's okay.  You're a good actress!


If you let the thread sit too long, it's easy to have a case of pun paral-Isis.  Still, don't desert us.

I kind of feel like O'Neal accidentally pasted part of a Smoove B editorial into this article and just decided to make it work.

When it comes to starting pun threads, Hat, you don't have a pyramid the commentariat.

And even better, Todd is still reviewing it.  I'm equal parts anticipating his reviews and relieved that Ryan Murphy hasn't broken Todd's spirit…yet.

You really know how to give a compliment.  You're not wrong, though.

It's abbreviated as "Swag Onion".  I guess "TVDW" or "Todd" both work.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus Please be careful.  It is not always safe to drive the internet after a few fingers of gin and a sandwich.  Stay the hell away from Ebay!

Eyelet that one go, even though I should have said something.


@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET A LIKE

Here's a spoiler from the movie's Wikipedia page, but it's too good not to share: