
It's about time eHarmony got a couple margaritas in it and decided 'what the hell'.

@avclub-f41c98ac606e9b29fce2d59f71df434d:disqus Rachel McHattams.

We'll take the [redacted] and the [deleted], but we don't want the Irish!

You don't get fat by doing half of the fighting, @Gjetostbuster:disqus ; that fat signifies letting the other guy do his share of the fighting and most of yours.  Also, it signifies shrimp, lots of it.



*runs around in bleachers, singing "Can't Take My Eyes Off of You" at Hat's soccer practice*

Hussy, check this out:
When I was in NOLA a couple years ago, I had a delicious eggplant sandwich and probably the best Old Fashioned I've ever had at this restaurant.  It's not far from the French Quarter and worth seeking out.

This is great news.  I am sure that many AV Club posters would support your brewery!  I'd be glad to support it right now.  What I mean is that I'd love a beer with lunch.

I'm in the last semester of an on-campus MBA program.  It's largely been a lot of work, a good experience but the time commitment has taken place of many other things (volunteering, weekend travel, etc).  I'm kind of getting restless about finishing.

I don't get "pumpkin".  I don't detest it like many things, but the alternatives would have to be dire for me to consider it.  I think my pumpkin gene was replaced by an extra black licorice gene, possibly an extra peanut butter gene.

I think Nicolas Cage is only incapable of transcending space and time, thereby limiting himself to filming one movie at a time.  I don't think he is physically capable of turning down a paying acting gig.

This is only happening because the casting director got lazy and decided to hold some auditions via phone.

Um, yeah.  I'm gonna need you juggalos to come in on Saturday, okay?  Yeah, ninja.  I'm gonna fucking need you to come in on Sunday, too.  And did you get my fucking memo about the TPS reports? 

Everybody who saw Magic Mike more than once, and can't name another Soderbergh film, against the wall, this is your fault.

Those are my choices?  Christ.  I guess…manimal, though I'll settle for Kurt Russell.

I don't know.  They have a stupid name, they are covering a terrible song, and that quote from the M&S keyboard player is some Nicole Krauss-level pretentious bullshit.  Maybe this band will change my life, but more likely, I'll just ignore it.

Enough about your fat, promiscuous mother, @avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus !

Bob Benson = Zap Brannigan?

You're probably still a handsome guy*.  That's not really the standard you should be using for comparison, it will just make you feel bad.