John Sheridan

Ah.. that old Zathras! What a character. But no, seriously. Not like Kosh at all.

Farscape? Well if that ain't a bunch of cockamainy aliens. Totally unrealistic.

Mass Effect - is that some reference to nuclear fusion?

Obviously I'd never compare myself with Jesus but now I wonder… did he exist in the same frame? Was he just a man with a strong sense of what is evil standing against the dark? Could all that the people around him understand is either total good or bad? No, I think G'Kar had it worse though - probably because of the

You haven't had to live with that guy - I really don't know how long it was for.

@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus  - Mr, you've crossed the line.

@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus  I could answer that but then I'd have to shoot you.

I hope you show respect for my position by reserving my name. Oh, and make sure the Agamemnon has a few extra nukes in stock.

Damn right you are @avclub-e1d7db5192d711c8acecbd4bfa9a662a:disqus ! No retreat, no surrender! We make our stand HERE!


@avclub-fd172dda9796767557675385e915cab4:disqus you forget - The White Star was part Vorlon. Why do you think they were afraid of something remotely Vorlon touching them? I had to make a bet that they might detect the bombs but I had a hunch that our tech might have been able to conceal it just as we could never lock

Hell, reminds me of when they taught me about The Cold War in history class. Hard to believe there would have been a time when I would have distrusted Susan just because of her Russian heritage.


I'm afraid you're wrong on that @avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus . Oh I know about evolution but I've always believed that the Human spirit should be about striving for higher ideals. Neither you, nor the Vorlons, had that any more. Kosh never would have made me jump if he didn't see that in some way.

@avclub-ab60729bcbd8293eb5f31e5077c29049:disqus Ericsson was a great unsung hero of the war. Just the way the Rangers would have it.

Just as long as I never have to see you again in person @avclub-9ef2b3a0cbd8bc049616e0855bff05fb:disqus .

The Vorlon inside me seems - entertained - by this.

Well if I want to shut down the AV Club permanently rather than just have them make the moral choice that's what I'd do.

It's what we're called upon to do. To fight until we can fight no more. To uphold the oath we swore to the Earth Alliance - the ideals that were perverted by the Clark administration.

I knew Anna really was dead all this time at that point.